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BB Code Conversion Question


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What BB Code and such were you use to using back on IPS 3.4.x that you seem to be unable to reproduce with the new Editor?


I ask, because I plan to re-create most of the custom stuff we had before to incorporate them as buttons in the editor. You may have noticed a new button for boxes (which is still a work in progress due to needing testing and proper styling as such). I'm testing things out and working on bettering the user experience overall for the community and the ability to post.

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13 minutes ago, Pikanet128 said:

'['hr']' without using '['hr']'



'['member']' was nice as well

also '['topic=%topicid%']'

and '['post=%postid%']'

guess it would now be called comment though


ill go look at my old templates and see if theres any others

member was replaced with mentions by using '@username'. Unfortunately the topic bb code would be unreplaceable same with the bb code for going directly to a specific post just using the id. As for hr, I plan to add it back.

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20 minutes ago, Koby said:

member was replaced with mentions by using '@username'. Unfortunately the topic bb code would be unreplaceable same with the bb code for going directly to a specific post just using the id. As for hr, I plan to add it back.

was just reading up on findpost i guess it does not even have a function anymore


as for topic



so mabey just a mod of the url button would work

instead of a url you put the topic id

and it adds the baseurl

but i guess thats redundent

the only uses before were to keep within the char count

not important any more


and for if the topic title changes

but that does not matter i dont think it ever did as

will still go here


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27 minutes ago, Koby said:

I've added a button that will auto-input our basic template for download threads. Test it out and let me know if it needs any tweaks.


The button icon is subject to change and still needs proper styling for certain themes.

This is going to be well used!

Only comments would be:

  1. "File extension" I think should have .mkv, .mp4 etc etc instead of x264 and 10-bit 
  2. Line break @ file host
  3. XDCC can have your logo/image xdcc.png
  4. Add a "Notes" section *coughcough*

Thanks for adding this. 


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@Koby @Moodkiller

Glad you guys liked that suggestion 


also adding the Img insert button to the top bar would be nice as it's inconvenient were it is

mvG7WQ4.png2016/01/23 09:54 PST


also you cant see the new buttons on the carbon themes



mvG7WQ4.png2016/01/23 10:02 PST

i still like my section headers


i think the icon you use for info is better suited for notes


and this is better for info


but thats my opinion

i also like haveing the icon's first

as it flows better

(icons are supposed to be the quick way to find something then for further detail read the text

and since we read left to right they should be on the left)

i think i might change the font

mvG7WQ4.png2016/01/23 11:14 PST

ok i think might like these new ones better








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