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Forum Software Update Planned - Funds Needed


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Seeing how IPB3 is reaching it's end of life before long with the soon to be arrival of IPB4.1 I figured it was high time to start planning for the future and getting things sorted to begin with the upgrade process. Especially since the arrival of 4.1 promises to have the majority of the bugs worked out and to have a stable modern release of community forum software.


However which this upgrade comes other expenses as our modifications (hooks and themes) become obsolete and need replacing or upgrading. As such we really don't have much options besides to hold off on any upgrades until the funds are there to fully support it.


As such we'll require $30 USD to obtain at least one nice theme.

We'll also require $39 USD to upgrade our Donation Tracker system to work with the upgrades.


These changes will bring about a lot of various fixes, features, and improvements. Stepping up to IPB4 will offer a new experience to the community as well as a much needed face-lift to the design and bring the community up to the latest standards in coding and software.


So if you can chip in just a bit, it'd be much appreciated.


As we need a minimum of $69 USD in total for this.

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Would you be able to show us the available themes? I would totally chip in for a theme that I dig!

Just google IPB 4 Themes and if you find something you like, feel free to link it here for others to see or talk about, or pitch in for it.


IPSFocus is just one of several such places to look around.

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So if I paid for a theme, does it mean I get the rights to choose any themes I want?


If so, I would pay for




Nothing else really looks good, plus most of the themes are still version 3...

If you fully fund it then yeah I don't see any reason I shouldn't allow you to choose unless it's buggy or breaks things.

That said, I wouldn't mind Subway.

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Reading up on some of the new features over at their blog, it seems like the new text editor will be a blessing. Maybe the light-switch will no longer be needed when copy/pasting and editing big posts from one forum to another. I've been a member of Invision Power Boards since version one and things have really changed through the years.

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IPS posted a new annnouncement on their blog today:

IPS Community Suite 4.1 Update
We have had IPS Community Suite 4.1 running on our own community site for several weeks now and are very happy with how it's taking shape. All the feedback has been very helpful and we have made many refinements to the new features and are looking forward to seeing what everyone does with them.

The first two public betas have gone very well with no major bugs - just the normal sort of issues you expect to see in a large update. In fact, the betas have gone so well that we have actually fixed more bugs leftover from 4.0 than have been reported for 4.1!

We originally planned on releasing 4.1 later this week but have decide to delay the release until the end of October so we have a couple more weeks to do more betas and further refine this release. Version 4.1 not only introduces many features but it also includes many low-level changes to enhance performance and be more robust with error handling. We have been very happy with the pace that we are implementing fixes and enhancements so we want to keep that up and think just a couple weeks of delay is well worth it for all.

If you are interested in helping to test beta releases they are now available in the client area. Just keep in mind we do not provide support for betas and you cannot upgrade from beta to the final release. They should only be on test copies.

Thank you for all the feedback! We are excited for 4.1 and know that a lot of you are waiting for it with great anticipation.

Source: https://community.invisionpower.com/blogs/entry/9741-ips-community-suite-41-update/


So looks like it'll be a few extra weeks worth of waiting for them to polish it off before we'll be able to begin our own work on the face-lift.

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Just a heads up but here are some changes between 4.0 and 4.1 (keep in mind we aren't even running 4.x anything yet)


  • Areas such as View New Content, My Content, My Followed Content, Status page and so on are replaced by the new Activity Streams.

Discovery system that allows for both admin and user created Activity Streams

  • Admin-defined streams always visible to users. Users can edit and save admin streams to create their own, custom copy.

  • The main show-all stream automatically tells you when there is new activity

  • Users can create custom streams

  • User streams can be shared but viewer will only see content based on their permissions

  • Filter options include:
    • All content or specific apps. Some apps support further refinement into categories or content-type.

    • Unread content

    • Ownership
      • Content I posted in

      • Content I started

      • Content by specific members (user can create a list)

    • Content I follow
      • Areas I follow

      • Specific content I follow

      • Posted by members I follow

    •  Time Period
      • Any time

      • Since my last visit

      • Specified number of days

      • Specific date range

  • Activity Streams that reference features not available to Guests such as unread tracking and follow system will auto-hide


Other big changes are:

  • Selective quoting to highlight a bit of a post and quote just that

  • Retina emoticons


  • The main search box defaults to the app you are currently browsing unless you are on home page where it searches all

  • New default interface

  • Results now highlight and skip to search term in preview

Instant Notifications

  • Receive notifications via your Browser Notifications of new Personal Messages and anything in the notifications menu

  • Intelligent auto-polling that only polls when needed to reduce server traffic

  • Browser local storage used, to allow for cross-communication if you have multiple tabs open to further reduce resource use.


and many other features not mentioned.

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