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Slight Changes Here and There


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You've probably noticed a few changes around the forum. From description changes, sub-forums becoming boards or being removed, renamed boards, etc...
I try to keep things tidy and when sections of the forum die out or don't get much activity over a long period of time they've obviously served their purpose and don't need to stick around.
Here is just some of the changes that have taken place:

That's just to name some of the changes. Descriptions have been altered here or there aren't worth mentioning. In the long scheme of things this doesn't really affect much of anything, but it's a bit more condensed with less sub-forums and the sections lacking in activity having been lessened.


We also now have a Project Crew user group for those helping with [Kametsu] tagged anime and cartoon releases to go along with the dedicated section of the Content Distro. We're still hiring help if you're interested.


If you feel any of these changes will have a negative impact or have some suggestions of your own, please as always feel free to express your opinions here. I'd like to hear what people would suggest as we continue to work on improving things around here.

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Hey Koby, would it make sense to have the Kametsu Projects as a sub-forum in the Dual-Audio/Subbed/Dubbed sections? My only reasoning being that many people will look in the dual-audio sections and or the other 2 for the anime they want just because of the reputation those main sections have already.

That would require three separate sub-forums and kind of defeat the purpose of having a dedicated go-to section for them. At first that may be the case, but I do hope with time that people learn the board exists and go check it out first and/or bookmark it. They'll still be listed in their respective (dual, dub, sub) index threads for those that utilize them. I'm hoping the team projects grow in number as seasons go. There is also the blog (http://projects.kametsu.com) that users can keep up with and view without a forum membership (but we do not post the filehost links there, just torrents and xdcc).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The contest board was originally intended and used for more than just sotw and botm. Users use to randomly battle one another and stuff. However as it stands now, we only have like 5 people who regularly participate in the sotw and usually it's just two or three entries at a time between them. The botm is lucky if it even gets an entry at all. The activity of the gfx section is completely dead outside of the sotw; so it's not like anything else is actually going to be a clusterfuck as time goes on. If activity warrants it then of course boards can be added but as it stands there isn't any need to do so. Separating the sotw into it's own sub-forum again would just leave the main gfx board dead and pointless and we'd still be at square one.

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can we have a sig/avt request shops sub forum in the graphical division i.e., if any of the members still have their shops open :misdoubt:

i'm in sore need of a new sig/svt set :victory:

Alice's request shop is currently the only active one I can think off - http://kametsu.com/index.php?/topic/45116-yuis-gfx-request-shop/

There is also the main request shop - http://kametsu.com/index.php?/topic/124-request-a-graphic-here/


So yeah, barely much activity there. You can choose one of the following

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can we have a sig/avt request shops sub forum in the graphical division i.e., if any of the members still have their shops open :misdoubt:

i'm in sore need of a new sig/svt set :victory:

Alice's request shop is currently the only active one I can think off - http://kametsu.com/index.php?/topic/45116-yuis-gfx-request-shop/

There is also the main request shop - http://kametsu.com/index.php?/topic/124-request-a-graphic-here/


So yeah, barely much activity there. You can choose one of the following


Thanks for alice's request shop link.

the main request thread has no activity since feb

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