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I'm new here (guess thats why i'm posting here huh)


my favorite games are:

Guild wars (every expansion except nightfall) (Fin)

The World Ends With You (fin)

FF7 (fin)

FF8 (fin)

Zelda twilight princess (fin)

Zelda Ocorina of time (fin)

Fire Emblem

I know a Bit of Photoshop And I'm also currently looking at tutorials for blender but at the moment I gotta look at more Photoshop stuff if I'm going to get anywhere with creating any original characters. So thats me. Hows everyone else today?

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FF8 = End of 3rd disc, but never could find the items I needed at the island closest to Hell, or Heaven can't remember, so I couldn't make the ultimate Gunblade so I never moved on.

FF7 = Good story, but hated the game itself.. never played much of it.

Zelda TP = played it some, but been too busy to finish it and lots of other games and stuff to do.

Zelda OoT = awesome, my favorite Zelda game.

Haven't played TWEWY or Guild Wars though.

My favorite Games are:

Shadow Hearts

Final Fantasy IV


Grandia II

The Legend of Dragoon

Welcome to Kametsu forums, home of Anime downloads and discussions. Hope you find what you are looking for and decide to stick around and be an active member of the community for a long time to come. Enjoy your stay, and be sure to always have fun! ^_^

If you download any anime, please be sure to post a thank you in the thread to the uploader. It not only shows your appreciation for their hard work but also shows that people are actually downloading their uploads.

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Hello and welcome to the Forums!

I loved playing FF8, I got to the last fight but never finished XD

FF7 was ok, have only got to the second disk though... been so long since I played...

Have not played GW in ages too XD

And the rest I don't play.

Have fun around here, there are lots of things to do, so feel free to comment on any topics that interest you, if you have a question you can ask me or the other mods and Koby of course or you can post it in the assistance board.

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be careful as to what you say in post as some moderators are VERY sensitive and like to ban people for no apparent reason and remove all of your posts lol. see<------ see that title thingy? it says KF BANNED. lol it's all good tho i'm not upset with no one.

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