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Very few adolescent boys and girls have an onset of special abilities. Yuu Otosaka uses his ability unbeknownst to others in order to lead a satisfying school life. And then, a girl named Nao Tomori suddenly appears before him. Their encounter reveals the destiny for wielders of special abilities.

This is the second original anime by Key.

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I'm loving this show so far. I like the concept and both MCs have grown on me. Nao had some very winning kawaii moments in this one. This was a very solid 2nd episode that portrayed more of what the show will be about for the rest of the season imo. I'm looking forward to seeing what the overarching story is going to be about.


*This is a copy-and-pasted response from like 3 other forums :P

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Episode 1 was alright, kept my interest enough to warrant watching episode 2 at least.
I guess I'm just quite tired of the played-out high school scene dramas.


People seem to be comparing this to Angel Beats! because it's the first time the staff have come together to work on another show since then, but I'm honestly not feeling that vibe so far.


Charlotte seems more similar to X-MEN story wise with the whole mutation of powers and going to a separate school. Except for the fact that apparently once you reach adulthood you lose your abilities and become normal again.

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Yeah, I couldn't wait to get my Kanie/Kanye-Part-2 on. Nao (the female MC) is amazing in this episode as well. The 2nd episode really sets up everything well for what is to come and gives us a much more grounded portrayal of both the male and female MCs. Also, the OP is f'n orgasmic. I felt like I was on an acid trip.

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Yeah, I couldn't wait to get my Kanie/Kanye-Part-2 on. Nao (the female MC) is amazing in this episode as well. The 2nd episode really sets up everything well for what is to come and gives us a much more grounded portrayal of both the male and female MCs. Also, the OP is f'n orgasmic. I felt like I was on an acid trip.

Well I've got plenty to watch and get caught up on to keep me busy in the mean time so I don't mind the wait for now. You've certainly got me interested in seeing that OP though. It was odd that the first episode didn't at least have an ED, but I guess they wanted the extra time the OP/ED would have took up to help get everything setup in the first episode so they could move on since this is set to only be a single-cour 13 episodes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Three episodes in and I still haven't seen anything to be as epic as the hype surrounding this show. I mean I like it enough to keep watching it, but it's nothing new and some of the characters are more annoying than anything. Currently rating this show around a 6/10.


I figure it's going to go down the path of the MC's sister gaining her abilities and getting captured and/or killed for drama. People are still comparing this to Angel Beats! because of the people responsible for it are the same; but this currently hasn't shown anything on that level thus far.


Judging by episode titles, it seems we may learn who or what 'Charlotte' is by episode 8. I'm kind of guessing it'll be a Charles Xavier type. Possibly the leader of the Hoshi-no-Umi school itself; or maybe the leader of the scientists responsible for the experiments on those with powers.


Last year we had Tokyo ESP wanting to be the X-MEN copycat, and thus far that seems what Charlotte is going for minus a Wolverine-wannabe. Though the MC does seem like a Lelouche-wannabe type character.

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Of course there just HAD to be baseball. Is there any show Maeda hasn't included a baseball scene in?


Wasn't a bad episode, but wasn't that great either. Only interesting part was at the end... I'm curious as to what that experiment was about. Did the MC fail to take control of him there or what? It just showed him pass out and reawake in his own body... so IDK.

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Charlotte is so mediocre it's boring. Five episodes into a 13 episode series and we're still just getting random power of the week intros where the main cast search them out and convince them to not use their power and we'll never see them again. The only thing of consequence this episode is the hints that the MC's sister is getting sick, but that could be just a minor cold for all we know at this point. This is definitely pretty disappointing considering all the hype this show had going for it to begin with.

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It has begun.

The week wait may seem like a long time with that cliff-hanger. It was pretty predictable though that something was going to happen to sis. Wonder if they'll ever learn that someone was trying to kill her with a razor was what brought this on and if that person will be dealt with accordingly. Jealous hag is jealous.

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Is this show any good? I avoided reading your previous posts in case of spoilers. A friend told me to watch it on another site but he's not online so I can't actively speak with him. He's a moderator on a popular gaming forum so he gets a lot of messages. Hopefully the wonderful people of Kametsu can shed some light on this anime.

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Is this show any good? I avoided reading your previous posts in case of spoilers. A friend told me to watch it on another site but he's not online so I can't actively speak with him. He's a moderator on a popular gaming forum so he gets a lot of messages. Hopefully the wonderful people of Kametsu can shed some light on this anime.

It's episodic in nature for episodes 1-5, the same routine was used over and over, it's predictable and cliche, and has nothing original going for it. It's worth a watch if you like Key or Maeda. The last anime they did together was Angel Beats! This show has similar vibes and such but it's definitely not on the same level. We've seen 6 out of 13 episodes thus far and on a good episode it's just average and on an average episode it's just okay. I've rated it a 5/10 (2.5/5).


If you do watch it, it's best to go with GJM!

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Still generic and predictable. We've pretty much known since the end of episode one (or was it episode 2?) that something was going to happen to imouto. It takes all the feelings away when you know exactly what to expect and when to expect it. It took entirely too long with the 'power of the week' to get to this point with the show being just a single cour. There is so much story they could dish out but they're not going to be able to flesh out a lot of those points, so they'll just be forgotten about.

Looks like bro is already going to be over losing imouto, in just one episode. I just hope it doesn't go back to the 'power of the week' formula but it sort of seems like that is possible. It was nice seeing bro sort of resort back to his original personality before he just suddenly changed out of the blue in episode 2. Shame he wasn't like that the whole season as it would have definitely made this a bit better.

Maybe we'll finally be introduced to Charlotte next week since that's apparently the episode title.

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Topkek. Hot take right there. I expected nothing less from Koby.

This series just feels like Jun Maeda is piecing together about 10 different shows and trying to give it the feels of his previous works. He's not even trying to come up with a new formula. The biggest issue being that it seems he doesn't understand what made his past works succeed and thus doesn't know how to handle this. It feels like this should have been a two-cour show so he could flesh out the rest of the sub-plots that have been introduced and forgotten about just as quickly. At this point, if you've seen any of his past work then you've come to know what to expect from him and he's unable to break away from his routine formula that has now been made into a cookie-cutter for all his projects and thus instead of giving the feels like past works, it just feels tired and worn out.


For what was 'suppose' to be the 'huge' feels episode of the show according to Jun himself; I felt nothing from it until the moment he puts the rag on his face and understood why lil sis kept using that pizza sauce. I think it was more so remembering my own sister I lost 4 years ago rather than the show truly making me care about MC's feelings towards imouto.


I don't think it helps that I don't seem to like or be invested in any of the cliche cookie-cutter personalities of the main cast. We have obsessed Glasses-kun, the fiery Yandere, the clueless idol, the forgotten and bullied Tsundere, and the MC who changes personalities at a drop of a hat.

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