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Linux scripting assistance

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I am stuck on a little personal project of mine where I need to create a script that will allow you to enter users (according to a specific syntax) and subsequently those users are added to the system.


Unfortunately there are specific conditions to be met where by the users must be entered as group name:base user name:number of users. E.g I want to add 5 new users to a group called "NOSL" with the base user name "NOSL-" The following should be entered into a input box as follows NOSL:NOSL-:5 


I am currently using ubuntu 13.1. 


I would greatly appreciate any and all help. There are a few more finer details that need addressing, but will add those later on. 

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Add this to your .bashrc:

adduserisforchumps() {        if  [ "$1" ] && [ "$2" ] && [ "$3" ]; then                count=1                while [ $count -le $3 ]; do                        read -p "User name: " user                        echo $1 $2$user                        count=$(( $count + 1 ))                done        else                echo "Wrong"        fi}
Edit: Spot the difference. Edited by JohnFlower
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Add this to your .bashrc:

Thank you, and I cant even seem to find my .bashrc file... (unless you were referring to pasting it into the bash terminal its self? bare with me...) I assume its in the home directory?


The script has to be a stand alone file as well, If I understand what you want me to do.  

E.g of the format



And the mistake was fi} corrected to fi and } and a new line? (Going off the email notification that I sent which does not carry proper formatting) 

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The .bashrc file is a file in your home directory. You can use it to add/change commands in your bash shell.

Just create the file if you don't have one already. Add what I pasted and then test it out. You will have to start a new session before it kicks in.

(To test, type 'adduserisforchumps herp derp- 5')

Edit: Oh you mean it's an assignment..?

Edited by JohnFlower
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Of course. Adding users this way is kinda dumb, so I left out the command that actually adds the user >_>

LOL but I need this xD. The way that is required of me to do is by adding the users via an input box with the syntax described in the OP. but I assume the method is the same. 


I'm sure you can figure it out.

P.S '-5' would break this, probably. You should add decent error handling if you plan to use this often.

Thanks, unfortunately I do not have the programming knowledge needed for this, but thank you. And yes, that another requirement (if user exists, then an error, if group exists, then an error etc etc)

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This is what I have so far:



#open fd
# 0 = stIN
# 1 = stOUT
# 2 = stDERR
exec 3>&1

#Store data in $VALUES varibale
values=$(dialog --ok-label "Submit" \
--backtitle "Add user" \
--title "Add users" \
--form "Create a new user" \
15 50 0 \
"base name:" 1 1 "$base_name" 1 11 10 0 \
"group:" 2 1 "$group" 2 11 5 0 \
"amount:" 3 1 "$amount" 3 11 8 0 \
2>&1 1>&3)

#close fd
exec 3>&-

if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
read -p "$base_name"
# read -s -p "Enter password : " password
egrep "^$base_name" /etc/passwd >/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "$base_name exists!"
exit 1
# pass=$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' $password)
sudo useradd -m -p $base_name
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "User has been added to system!" || echo "Failed to add a user!"
echo "Only root may add a user to the system"
exit 2

#save $values to appropriate locations
#sudo groupadd $group
#sudo useradd -G&$base_name

#Delete temp files
[ -f $values ] && rm $values

Unfortunately I cant get the layout quite right and I didn't completely understand your first code that you sent, so was trying out this version.

Edited by Moodkiller
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Sadly, yeah there is, something like this:


but it must be all on one line and each 'field' as such should be separated by a colon. And yes I though as much with the loop, and the loop should be equal to the "amount" of users, then I also have to include a function that will automatically name the other users -_-

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