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Hello Everyone, It's Nice to Meet You All


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Hey there everyone, my name is FauxCat but please feel free to call me FC. I stumbled across this site after reading some comments from one of your members on another forum and I thought I would check it out. I have been looking for a new anime community/linking site after the community I was a part of closed down after the whole megaupload fiasco. Since then I have been hoping to find a new site that would fit my needs and from what I can tell from browsing the forums here, Kametsu seems like a pretty neat place.


As for my top five anime well that's slightly difficult to answer. However I know for sure my favorite anime is Saikano, it's without a doubt the anime that has had me the most invested in its characters. So much so I was not surprised at all that I ended up in tears after watching the last episode. Truly a sad sad story, but one of the best I think I have seen in the anime medium. Besides, who doesn't love girls who turn into flying death machines, I sure don't know anyone who doesn't. If I had to add a few more anime to my favorites list I am sure Last Exile, Black Lagoon, Legend of Himiko, 12 Kingdoms, and Zone of the Enders would be in my top favorites.


As for my favorite movie, that's also an easy one. Gattica, it's been my favorite movie since the day I saw it.


Other hobbies, well recently I have been into building custom media centers for friends and colleagues but I also enjoy running along the local trails. I am lucky to have a bunch of great parks near me so I love to take advantage of them.


Now as to the question as to how active I think I will be, honestly I have no idea. I usually post a bit early on, then lurk a while as I scope things out. So in the short term I have no idea, in the long term I hope to be quite active. I have been having a hard time finding a good community as I said, so I really play these things by ear and see how it goes.


Well I think that about sums up my introduction. Its very nice to meet you all and I am looking forward to chatting with all of you soon. If you have any questions about me please feel free to ask, I am happy to take the time to answer them. Now I am off to figure out how to to pick and change my avatar. Probably going to go with my traditional cat person but who knows we will see where Google image search takes me. 





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Welcome to the forum, FauxCat. Do keep in mind that you won't be able to customise your avatar or signature until you accrue fifteen posts. If you need any help with that, let us know.


And it can be pretty tough to pick out a community to settle into, so I hope you find a home here. Enjoy your stay and let us know if you have any questions!

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Ah 15 posts for an avatar. That explains a lot, thanks for clearing that up for me. I must have missed that bit of info in the FAQ. I suppose you keep a post limit for keeping away spammers and such. Well I suppose I will have to be more active than I thought early on if I want to change my avatar.

All that being said its very nice to meet you three, I look forward to learning more about each of you.


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Ah 15 posts for an avatar. That explains a lot, thanks for clearing that up for me. I must have missed that bit of info in the FAQ. I suppose you keep a post limit for keeping away spammers and such. Well I suppose I will have to be more active than I thought early on if I want to change my avatar.

All that being said its very nice to meet you three, I look forward to learning more about each of you.


Well if you ever have any questions just PM one of us, EO and I are usually around majority of the time and Mute is too for the most part but she isn't so much a haunter like me and EO lol.

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