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The Welsh Paddy

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So, with christmas being less than two months away, I would ASSUME that everyone has started getting their christmas shopping?

I thought it would be interesting to start up a thread for people to discuss what they'll be doing for christmas this year. What are you expecting to recieve as gifts? What are you getting for friends, family or loved ones? Going somewhere nice, or just having a nice and quiet christmas at home?

And most importantly...

What do you plan on having for christmas dinner?!?!

Of course, this can be open for discussion with those who celebrate Hannukah or any other religious holiday instead of christmas. (Not sure if there are any...)

I myself am spending a (somewhat) quiet christmas at home with my fiance and our little man. We were wanting to maybe go away some place nice for christmas this year, but by the time we thought about it, it was too late to get the money together for it, so that will be our aim for next year. (Planning on doing our christmas shopping by summer next year so we can then save up to go somewhere for the holiday.)

It's only recently that we've started our christmas shopping this year, though. Getting all the little man's stuff first, then my fiance's (When I've thought of something really nice... Any ideas? :D). My son is going through a bit of a Batman craze right now. He loves everything Batman and can happily sit down for hours just watching some of the animated series. So most of the stuff he'll be getting from me will be Batman related. I've already purchased all the Batman Brave and The Bold series to-date, and me and my fiance are both buying him an Imaginext Batcave Playset. I'll probably also buy a bunch of extras to go with it (It's a surprisingly huge toy-line, so this will probably end up being spread over his birthday and next christmas as well!) and my fiance is gonna buy him some other bits and bobs that he likes. Still trying to decide from a variety of Fireman Sam and Thomas The Tank playsets, etc.

Me, my fiance and the little one are gonna make a huge family photo montage for my future in-laws.

But yeah, I still don't know what I'm going to get my fiance yet. Probably wait til a bit closer to christmas because here in Cardiff we get loads of stalls that open up during christmas that sell loads of unique things that you would be hard-pressed to find in typical highstreet shops. It's mostly stuff that's actually been made by the people who open the stalls.

I've no idea what I'm getting for christmas... -_-

For christmas dinner, we're gonna get some pheasant if they're selling down at the market. If not, then our other options are duck and guinnea fowl. I've never really liked turkey because it's too dry, and chicken is something I have quite regularly anyway. We'll probably have some ham as well though, along with a bunch of nicely seasoned roasted vegetables. :D Doubt I'd stock up on much alcohol because I don't drink much at all anymore. Maybe a bottle of rum or whiskey...

All in all though, I am very much looking forwards to christmas this year. It's such an exciting time, especially if you have kids. :D

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Yeah, that's what I thought of it up until having our little one. I'm really looking forwards to seeing him open his presents again. My happiest moment from christmas last year was seeing his face light up with intrigue and happiness when he opened his presents. Last year he didn't know what christmas was (Well, he still doesn't. He's only 2. xD But I can imagine he'll remember more of it this time 'round to know what's coming up next year.) so he was really baffled when he saw a massive stack of presents in our living room.

I guess it's just one of those things that you can enjoy more when there's kids around because it brings back memories of our younger selves getting super excited for "Santa" to come and bring our presents.

I still think it's a big corporate cash-in, but it's not like it does any harm. I mean, it's that one time of the year when everywhere is desperate to hire in new staff, so it helps with unemployment. Granted, probably 99 out of 100 jobs are for the christmas and new year period only, but once someone has had one or two jobs, it gets easier to find work elsewhere because you have that little bit more experience, plus a good reference from the employer providing you did well in your job.

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Java and I already bought our presents for each other--he got a new tablet and I got some Homestuck swag. Roughly about the same amount of money for the two of us, though his was a little more expensive. And he gets to use his tablet a lot sooner than I get to roll around in my Homestuck stuff, haha.

Other than that, I've never really been one to celebrate Christmas. I usually go home over the holidays for a couple weeks, but I don't know if we're going to be able to make it this time around since we're on a single income and airline tickets to North Dakota are generally pretty expensive.

I don't drink much and I don't know what we're having for dinner that night. Even I don't plan meals that far out!

It is largely a commercial holiday, but it also is what you make of it. It can be meaningful if you make it meaningful, same as any other date. I just think it's funny that people go on about how the winter holidays are supposed to be about brotherhood and getting along with your fellow man, but they spend just about as much time bitching about people who bitch about people who say "Merry Christmas"/"Happy Holidays".

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Even I don't plan meals that far out!

Haha, I only plan christmas dinner this far out because some meat can be bloody expensive! We plan on buying it fresh from the butcher's at the start of December and then keeping it frozen until christmas eve. Last year we barely managed to get a good duck because we left it until a few days before christmas to get the stuff we want for our christmas dinner.

Most of the gifts are undecided, and the one that is decided, I can't say here, because the one it's for will see it and that would totally ruin the surprise!

I am sure he/she will very much appreciate it. :)

One thing I am very much looking forwards to this year is us going to see the christmas lights in Cardiff. There's gonna be a huge event in the city on the 15th of this month, including a reindeer parade, several costumed cartoon characters, live music and some street theatre. :D

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I don't like duck. I barely enjoy ham (I kind of have to be in the mood for it, and I can't look at it too closely). Generally I'm not much of a meat eater (I mostly stick with chicken and fish), so whatever gets put out is fine by me, haha. Sushi for Christmas should be more of a thing.

And I think in this case, the proper pronoun is "she", unless Mute started preferring other pronouns.


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Even I don't plan meals that far out!

Haha, I only plan christmas dinner this far out because some meat can be bloody expensive! We plan on buying it fresh from the butcher's at the start of December and then keeping it frozen until christmas eve. Last year we barely managed to get a good duck because we left it until a few days before christmas to get the stuff we want for our christmas dinner.

Most of the gifts are undecided, and the one that is decided, I can't say here, because the one it's for will see it and that would totally ruin the surprise!

I am sure he/she will very much appreciate it. :)

She (meaning me ^_^) will enjoy any gift given out of love, or even no other gift than a full day of time spent together.

I don't know what gifts to give yet, I've found a few things that I might order for some people, but I'm trying to find something very special for my special lady :)

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Take the rest as it comes like Playing Board Games which is boring but keeps others happy.

Board games don't have to boring! What ones are you playing? If you're playing the standard Monopoly and Life type board games, I can see that, but there's a whole slew of super fun ones. Dixit, Pandemic, Red Dragon Inn, Arabian Nights, Crack the Case, Arkham Horror...

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Am I the only person who hate the days "before Christmas" ??

I do like the simbole and the family things which go with it. But.. It's like some people become mad if they can't shop for Christmas or if they're not mentally ready XD

"Take it easy, it's gonna be okay" I want to say to those who can't stop telling you "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BUY FOR CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!! DON'T HAVE ANY PRESENT FOR ANYONE !!!!! WHAT AM I GOONA COOK Oo"

Edited by Jikochuu
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They don't bother me since they're usually panicking only three or four days before Christmas. I can handle 72 hours of consumer angst, but not a steady stream of "what to do what to buy I'm gonna drink so much beer until I solve this problem" throughout the entirety of November and most of December. At that point, they're probably terminal whiners and it won't be any different than usual, haha.

Plus I'm not directly involved with any crazy types like that, so it's easy to shut them out.


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  • 3 weeks later...


Despite having terrible memorys of christmas (families suck) i and actually looking forward to this year!

this year i am going to my mums for a few days beforehand, then it's to Dart's Grandmothers Christmas Eve for dinner and presents, Christmas day will be spent with my Housemate and Dart before visiting some friends down the road and my Dad's for a few hours! Thank god the family members who have made christmas suck in the past we are no longer talking to or associating ourselves with/

then i am having a christmas dinner will all my friends after the actual day since everyone will be busy with their families on the day.


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  • 3 weeks later...

This year will probably be very similar to the past couple years. Christmas morning at home, afternoon/evening at my grandma's house, and then back home (hopefully) in time to watch the Doctor Who Christmas Special.

We don't usually do anything special for breakfast in the morning; sometimes my mom will cook eggs or something, but that's as special as it gets. We'll open gifts and play with those gifts until it's time to go to my grandma's house. Dinner is usually pretty big: turkey, ham, desserts, the whole shebang. More gifts there, though when you get to be 21, you usually just get money (which isn't bad!), so it's more about playing games and just being together. I usually take Apples to Apples and Snorta (a crazy game I actually received for Christmas one year), but we also play cards. Then it usually gets to the point in the night where I'm pushing my parents out the door because I would have an aneurysm if I missed Doctor Who.

As far as presents, I really only buy for my immediate family; extended family tends to get presents from all of us. I've got my brother covered, I have to get one thing still for my mom, and my dad... he's so difficult to shop for, he usually buys his own stuff for us to give to him. It's pretty lame, but he's like impossible to find a good present for.

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