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Well, hello there.

My name is Duncan, i am 25 years old and I am an alcoholic..... well i would be if i could afford it! Someone wiser than myself once told me you only have a drinking problem if you can't afford it. Sadly I can't drink as much as i would like, as I am but a post grad student which means enduring more financial hardship than even the little undergrads.

i like computer games. I currently own both a ps3 and 360 and i'm currently playing dragon age on the 360. My fave game ever would probably have to be FF VIII. Do not adjust your display settings, I did intentially add on that extra I onto VII. Resi 2/3 comes a very close second and the metal gear franchise deserves a special mention as well of course.

I like television, i.e. 24, lost, spooks, recently battle star galactica, most sci fi.

I'm fairly new to the world of anime DBZ aside, which will always hold a special place in my heart. A lesson to youngsters out there, you'll always remember your first.

My fave ever would probably be deathnote. Just so awesome in every way. Although I do really love naruto, in which my fave character is Gaara of the sand, and latterly getting into bleach a bit more. Slow starting but starting to get really awesome as the powers progress.

I have 1 pet hate, which i would be happy if everyone respected is that I really (and the rock means really!) hate things being spoiled for me. So please refrain from telling me the juicy parts of all the shows i have mentioned if you are in a more advanced viewing stage than I. Especially if you read manga as I do not.

Quite a mammoth intro, I know, but to quote treebeard from lord of the rings (very loosely) 'If it doesn't take a long time to say, it's not worth saying'.

So are there many people here of comparable age to me or are we still in the teeny bopping part of life where trying to decide how many posters of robert pattison on your room wall is healthy, is as complicated as it gets.

If anyone would like to know anything else, if you make it this far without making a trip to the land of nod, gimme a holler.


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Well I'm nearing 21 this later this month. I don't drink, but I have tried a lot of them.. just never found anything I actually liked. I'm too broke to buy a PS3 or 360, although I want them. All I have is the Wii and my old PS2, although I have over 100 PS2 games and several I still haven't played and even some I haven't bought that I want to still get.. lolz.

I prefer FF8 over FF7 as well, but my favorite is definitely Final Fantasy IV. My favorite RPG of all time though is Shadow Hearts, the first one. My sister is currently playing Dragon Age on her 360 and she loves it. She is planning to grab the new one soon.

I don't watch much actual TV.. I download the shows that air on TV that I want to watch and then watch them when I get the chance. At the moment these include: Gary Unmarried, Ghost Whisperer, The Mentalist, Smallville, The Big Bang Theory, and Two and a Half Men. I recently downloaded all of Gilligan's Island though and plan to watch them soon.

I watch a lot of Anime, as you can see (http://myanimelist.net/animelist/ChaoXide), my favorite Anime is Black Lagoon, as you can see my top 20 (http://koby.entitys-arena.co.uk/top20-anime.jpg). The first Anime I ever watched was back when I was in 3rd grade somewhere like in 1997 or 1998 can't remember, my friend introduced me to Dragonballz. xD

Well you took the time to introduce yourself and made such a long intro, that I felt I needed to welcome you and give you some info on me. xD I do hope you enjoy your stay and continue to visit.

and remember: if you download any anime, please be sure to post a thank you in the thread to the uploader. It not only shows your appreciation for their hard work but also shows that people are actually downloading their uploads.

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