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I am Zadine and I live in the UK, not good with introductions and I will give it a try.

How did you find Forgotten Memories?

Who doesn’t know about Forgotten Memories, it was around v1 when I came across Forgotten Memories and at that time I had no clue what forums where, until one of my friend introduced me to one.

What RPG's have you played?

I been playing RPG’s since FF8 came out in UK and I can’t remember every single one, these are just off my mind Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Grandia, Shadow Hearts, Star Ocean III, Meagan Battle Networks, Legend of Dragoon, Zelda and more.

What RPG's do you like?

Nearly like all RPG’s that I play.

What RPG's have you beaten?

FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10, FF10-2, Kingdom Hearts I, Kingdom Hearts II, Grandia I, Grandia II, Star Ocean III, Legend of Dragoon, that all I remember.

Do you do graphics? If so what graphic programs do you have?

I know how to use Adobe Photoshop but still learning, not that good yet.

Do you have any questions?

No any other question

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