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Talena Mae

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I don't think cover photos can be GIFs? I did find a rather complicated way of working around it, but I don't know if it'll still work considering the article is pretty old.


And I don't know a thing about reading tarot cards, haha. I do have another set of cards based on the I Ching that I consult from time to time, but I still have to read the little book that came with it.

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The only things I know about Tarot cards comes from Persona, oops > w>

Anyway, ow my feels. I don't want it to get weird between me and an important friend, but yesterday she said she wasn't interested in me as more than a friend and it hurt quite a lot. And later on we spoke, but it was awkward as fuck. I honestly hope that it won't stay like this though.

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Ye, hopefully it gets better!


I don't talk to most of my exes or my not-actually-exes-even-though-things-happened (including rejections by either party), but there are a few I do still talk to fairly regularly just because the events that occurred hadn't spoiled the relationship between us. There was still a waiting period, though, haha.

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What EO actually said:


I don't talk to most of my exes or my not-actually-exes-even-though-things-happened (including rejections by either party)...

What I read:


I don't talk to most of my axes or my not-actually-axes-even-though-things-happened (including rejections by either party)...

Edited by Dae314
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I wanted to axe my ex a question, but her axecent was too axcessive for me to understand.


Don't you hate it when you're at a table with a big group of people and you don't really feel like talking.  Then people always axe you why you aren't talking.  Or they're like you haven't said a thing this whole time!  Sometimes you know... I just don't feel like saying much today. You'll have to axecuse me...  It's like a cat.  People who don't like cats try to avoid them, but the cat ends up going towards that person because the cat thinks they're safe.

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It doesn't happen to me as much since I've graduated high school and rarely find myself in such situations, but it can be trying to have someone assume you're in a bad mood--that tends to put me into a bad mood anyway, so it's like a self-fulfilling prophesy.


Most people in my circles know I'm quiet in large social settings and that I'm fairly shy, so it's not something people really ask me about any more. I know at the library I'm quiet and keep to myself, so hopefully the librarians don't think I'm rude or hate them all, haha.

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Cats tend to go to the people that don't like them, because the people that do like them are more up in their face, instead of (as the cat sees it) sitting back, and waiting to be approached.


If you want a cat to come to you, and it isn't one of those crazy cats (like mine) that waits at the door and greets you when you walk in like a dog, don't immediately start with the baby talk, or start petting without letting it sniff you, or anything like that.

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