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Talena Mae

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It's not the fact that they sing and have a schedule of events. It's not the fact that there's a dress code. It's not the fact that I don't know how to follow along. It's not even the fact that they're religious.


It's the fact that the first thing they say at the start of the mass is "Dear Lord, I have sinned and I'm a fuck up, hope you can forgive me for being such an awful person." It's the fact that half the songs are about fear of the Lord and how terrible people are and how much we should be contrite for being horrible and pray that God won't smite us on the spot. It's the fact that they seem to find it appropriate to start dropping social issues like gay marriage and abortion around like it's no big deal.


It wasn't that I was scared of dealing with strangers. (I do that every day, ye.)


And like, all the stuff the Father was saying about the kid being baptised? It was like he was being indoctrinated into a cult. It was unnerving. That stuff is weird.

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Any religion that practices some type of regimentation in behavior is scary the first time. Similar to if you walked into a goth bar dressed in street clothes. You don't know how to act, you don't know how to dress, you don't know what to say, and it's a socially scary situation. Then you get over it and talk to the people like they're still people and you find out that a lot of them are still people who simply know the patterns of their life better than you do and aren't offended that you don't.

Although... Catholics do have that long history of religious persecution with the principal method of conversion being excruciating execution hanging over them so that can make it a bit more scary than normal >.>. You should know that modern Catholicism doesn't do that anymore though ^^.



That's exactly what they WANT you to think! It's all a part of the big conspiracy. First, they claim to be peaceful, then they sing the genocide song, then they're peaceful again... See the pattern?

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you need to visit india


This, essentially. I have so many friends that have gone to places like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and they always say the same thing; religion is fricking apeshit there. Its the same in places like Malaysia and Indonesia too, they way they go about their "religious" practises can get pretty freaky.

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Well, if they have stuff like the Shi'ite Ashura where they self-flagellate with chains, cut themselves, and otherwise beat themselves up for a public day of mass mourning over the death of Hussein, I'm sure I can imagine. Or even the ridiculous fatwas that do stuff like demand people believe the sun revolves around the Earth. I had a Sudanese teacher who believed the hell out of that.


I was an Arabic linguist, so I kind of spent two years with natives from all over the Middle East and was regaled with stories from my peers who did get to visit Egypt and Jordan. 85% of the stuff we read and listened to was a neverending train wreck of depressing and terrifying material. Not to mention that once I became operational and started working with other linguists, I became more familiar than I wanted to be with the Near East, with Afghanistan, with Pakistan and their relationship with India, and with Iran's obsessive craziness.


I'm less familiar with the shenanigans of Asian countries like China and North Korea, but the Kor lings have plenty of stories to tell and are more than happy to keep me up to speed, haha.

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When an adult has an imaginary friend, it's a mental illness. When a large group shares the same imaginary friend, it's a religion. ^_^


I'm not saying that there is absolutely no way that a god or a bunch of gods could exist. It's possible that every religion in the world that believes in a god actually has exactly what they believe in. However, that doesn't mean I'm going to live my life blindly following an old book that has been mistranslated over and over again.

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Ah, I don't think I would like that all that much, haha. Everywhere I've lived has mostly regular weather. Texas was a little chaotic--other than here in Maryland, those were the weirdest weather swings I've dealt with. Mississippi might have weird weather, but I wasn't there long enough to remember anything of import.


The police were at the library today. I didn't stick around to see what was going on, but it was kind of weird.


And of course today I was confused for one of the other librarians despite standing a little taller than her and almost never wearing my glasses, to say nothing of our different wardrobes. I went to the library last night with Java and my roommate and Java said, "Okay, I can see why people do that."

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Maybe, haha. I can't tell??


I think it's mostly the hair and general appearance. Our hair is about shoulder length and we're both fairly thin, so from behind and at an angle, especially when I'm hovering over shelves, we probably look pretty similar. I always tell Java I think white people all look the same, and now I am living the reality of looking like another white person.

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That'd be pretty weird. I mean, the other librarians would be able to tell the difference, haha. She has been there for about six years. I have been there for about four months. Also we don't sound much alike. I do significantly less talking than she does while at the library, mostly because I am deeply involved in keeping the children's section orderly.


It is a Sisyphean effort.

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Especially with their enabler guardians, haha. They don't even try to pick up after their kids when leaving the library. They just leave everything everywhere, like we are staffed with maids.


I know two year olds are able to put things away, I have seen them put books back. I can understand they have a bit more trouble with the media tie-ins as opposed to the board books, since those are packed a little tighter. We can't even fit all of the books on the shelf, haha. It's a wee library, so there's a lot of issues with space.


I am accumulating too much stuff around my laptop. I must clean things.

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