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Talena Mae

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Now my trooper has a ship, and a protocol droid. So far, all the droid has been good for is running errands. Making new weapons, gathering materials, I'm tempted to see if I can summon it, send it out to sell stuff, and summon my normal companion back out.

In some ways, I don't like all of the restrictions on free to play, but with only having 2 character slots right now, it is much easier to concentrate on a single character, rather than being all indecisive about it and not leveling any of them much.

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C2n2 is a substitute healer companion for those who don't get their healer companion until like level 40 like the smuggler and jedi knight. you will find having a healer companion is VERY VERY useful while levelling.

also that doesn't work, i've tried.

Edited by Shazi
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How do you heal and kill things ^^? That seems contradictory. Almost like a doctor cutting you open. Oh wait...

I do understand what you mean though ^^;. I've kinda specced my character in GW2 out to be exactly that :P. Great healing potential along with the ability to do tons of damage. Just no defense :D. Healing glass cannon?

The RPG thread has become a kinda intense tag-team story written by me and Hawk xD (would probably qualify as a weird RP :P). Past players should come by and read the last couple pages, it's pretty entertaining ^^.

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I shoot stuff until me or my companion gets low on health (Below 50%) and then I spam heals until the injured person is either full again, I run out of whatever resource I'm using (ammo in the case of my Trooper... though why healing takes ammo I can't figure out...) or what we're fighting dies.If I run out of ammo, I use my auto-attack skill (which isn't really auto attack, but it is the equivalent in that it hits things and takes no ammo) while regenerating ammo. This cycle repeats until either me, or what I'm fighting dies. Usually it's what I'm fighting.

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So I decided to become a subscriber to SWTOR, now I have a Trooper, a smuggler, a Jedi Knight, and 9 more free slots on this server.

I also have a fun new typo, because n is right next to m and sometimes when I'm talking really fast, I'll say snuggler instead of smuggler.

Edited by Mute point
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Someone on Pesterchum messaged me, saying they were Apollo, King of the Sun. (I'm AG.)

AS: I'm Apolo

AS: I'm king of sun

AG: How is that working out for you

AG: See your sister around ever or like

AS: my sister?

AS: *my brothe*

AS: brother*

AG: Artemis????

AG: Are we talking some other mythology here

AG: Diana if you're Romana, I guess

AG: *Roman

AS: :I

AS: Roman?

AG: Because the Romans adopted Greek myths and renamed and combined some of the deities

AS: This story is of my ancestors

AG: Am I like off base here with what you're doing with this whole Apollo, King of Sun thing

AS: ¬¬

AS: you are drunk?

AG: No

AS: woah

AG: I'm trying to determine what version of Apollo you are using

They were seriously confused by what I was saying. I think they were trying to roleplay with me??? I don't even know.

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Yeah, sometimes I'm a little off the wall with my responses to people, especially RPers (please, tell me more about your shitty fan troll and indecipherable quirks), but I never considered it an indication of inebriation. It's been a while since I've done any real studying of Greek myths (like... high school), but I was pretty sure Apollo and Artemis were twins--I even Googled it to make sure, haha.

Obviously the problem lies with my constant drunkenness, despite never having been drunk, and not their incomplete research.

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Yes, normal people are miserable, brooding, mean, and quietly angry all the time. Being nice to people means you're either stupid, weird, or high off something. I get asked that all the time when I'm nice to people in FPS games. Most people don't even take the time to type anything in the game unless it's an insult against someone on their team, the whole team, or the person who just killed them. I type random stuff that's funny sometimes :P. Although I get accused of being drunk a lot, people eventually start to join in, and by the time I leave the game there's a lot more random positive chatter going on ^^.

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I started a fun filled rant on SWTOR earlier... First, I asked if there were any Ultima fans around... Then when a few answered, I asked a very simple question...

"What's a paladin?"

Every one of the ultima fans got the joke immediately, and even a few people who hadn't spoken up started in on it, mostly a lot of "your knowledge of the land shall be great" responses, along with a few "I'm not entirely sure"s, One guy explained exactly what a paladin is. (If you don't know why this is funny. Please youtube search "Spoony Ultima 9" and watch at least part 1.)

The people who didn't get it were pretty hilarious too, lots of "Who the fuck cares!" and "GTFO!" followed by a resounding chorus of "STFU! WE CARE!" from 4 hardcore Ultima fans. Good times... good times...

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I went to a friend's daughter's birthday party today with Java--she turned five, so there was a slew of similarly aged and sized humans in the area.  One of the kids was having what may have been the worst day of his life based on his behaviour.  I glanced over at him and he fell to his knees, fists clenched and sobbing, as his  confused male guardian stood over him.  It was supremely dramatic.

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I went to a friend's daughter's birthday party today with Java--she turned five, so there was a slew of similarly aged and sized humans in the area.  One of the kids was having what may have been the worst day of his life based on his behaviour.  I glanced over at him and he fell to his knees, fists clenched and sobbing, as his  confused male guardian stood over him.  It was supremely dramatic.

All that would be needed to complete the mood is some violin music and for it to start pouring rain, then you would have the ultimate dramatic mood hahaha. I couldn't even imagine what would make that kid drop to his knees, fists clenched and start crying. Maybe he was working on becoming an actor in the future and thought he would get some practise in while he is young.

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