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Talena Mae

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Yes, and all of those Hells are in North Dakota.

Nah, I'm just a regular volunteer at the library. Although yesterday she was asking if I was interested in being informed if any job openings came up next year for like hourly stuff or whatever. While money would be cool, I like just volunteering and doing things for free because I'm a sucker.


Also the first thing she mentioned job-wise was doing tech stuff for the library, which would be a severe overestimation of what I'm capable of doing. I just like shelving and making things pretty.

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Maybe at like some tiny coffee shop, haha. I hear tell Starbucks may be playing an instrumental role in summoning Cthulhu.


Part of the problem is transportation. Even if I had a license, we only have one car and I'm in no hurry to tack on more debt for the time being. Nor am I willing to learn how to ride a bike because I'm ornery. The library is working out for me so far because I can walk over there in about ten minutes and I can stick around afterwards to write.

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Ah, the one I volunteer at is fairly small, so they have a few problems with space. Sometimes when I head into the staff area, I'll find the place where I drop off my nametag is blocked off by carts and carts of books, haha. I spend a bit of my time there moving all the books so they'll fit on the shelves properly. And it closes at 2100 most nights, so not really a late night kind of place.

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I used to go to the library by my house once a week just to sit around and read stuff with my mom. At first I was reading jump magazines and manga, but eventually I went through all of it and decided to move on to actual books. One of the first series I picked up in that time was Goosebumps ^^. I loved the pick-your-own-adventure ones. Later I started reading Star Wars fiction although I didn't get very far in it. That gave me a segue into YA fiction. From there I found the Eragon series, So You Want to Be a Wizard, and Hitchhiker's Guide (best series ever). However, before I could get farther, I stumbled upon the "old" comics section which had a bunch of books of old comics like Garfield, Perls Before Swine, etc. I got wrapped up in that section and I eventually explored and found a series of comprehensive guides to various universes in there. I read them all ^^. I eventually stopped after getting part way through a comprehensive guide to the Star Wars Universe which was about as thick as a dictionary (and read like one too).

The library was awesome because it was basically an afternoon of free air conditioning, but eventually I stopped some time late in high school. I started picking up books again when I started flying to Cali though ^^; The 4-5 hour flight + waiting time in the terminal made books much more economical than trying to run my laptop. First thing I read in this phase was The Shining. I also re-read Hitchhiker's Guide, and after that I started the Game of Thrones series (which is actually A Song of Fire and Ice series but people recognize GoT more than that name). I'm currently on the latest book of that series and almost done with it so idk what I'll read next ^^; I've got a couple more flights back and forth between HI and CA though so I need to find something :P.

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I tend to pick up stuff based on suggestions and what other people are talking about. 'Course, that doesn't always work out well since it sometimes sends me in the opposite direction, like it did with Stieg Larsson's books (Girl With the...) and the Song of Fire and Ice books--I couldn't get past more than a few pages without getting bored or annoyed when it came to reading the reviews. When it came to the Infernal Devices series, I just got bored. I haven't finished Clockwork Prince, whoops. I like the concept behind it, but I just didn't care about any of the characters. I don't know if I'm going to bother with the Mortal Instruments.

Otherwise I just kind of pick up books I see frequently at the library, since I spend so much time moving stuff around. I really like just re-reading stuff I've enjoyed before.

One of my friends told me he was going to hold his breath until I emailed him my NaNovel. I don't know if he passed out from the effort.

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I tend to pick up stuff based on suggestions and what other people are talking about. 'Course, that doesn't always work out well since it sometimes sends me in the opposite direction, like it did with Stieg Larsson's books (Girl With the...)--I couldn't get past more than a few pages without getting bored or annoyed when it came to reading the reviews.

Those books are amazing! :(

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So I hear, haha. I'm definitely one of those people who draws further away from something the more people try to push me into liking it, so that kind of spoils my attempts at giving something a try despite my reservations. I read for enjoyment, so the fact that reading the first Song of... book was making me mad was enough for me to just give up. If Java knows I already dislike something and I'm trying to see the appeal/give it a chance, he won't want to watch it with me because I get grumpy.

LOL it would be interesting if he did pass out xD

He gets belligerent at random things, haha.

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So I hear, haha. I'm definitely one of those people who draws further away from something the more people try to push me into liking it, so that kind of spoils my attempts at giving something a try despite my reservations. I read for enjoyment, so the fact that reading the first Song of... book was making me mad was enough for me to just give up. If Java knows I already dislike something and I'm trying to see the appeal/give it a chance, he won't want to watch it with me because I get grumpy.

Hah. I do the same thing to my Sunshine. x D

Now I know why she get's so mad when I start trying to watch the walking dead with her, I suppose. I guess I should start easing off, and wait, if she ends up not likin' it then who am I to judge.

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Perhaps. I mean if you're trying to get her to like it, some people can find that annoying.

Speaking of annoying, one of the people I know from DLI was apparently competing with me to see who could get the most followers on Tumblr. Which is all well and good except for the part where I don't care how many followers I have or how many he has. Hyper competitive people really get on my nerves.


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When I find an author I like, I tend to grab as much of their stuff as I can. Usually I like most of it, but there are always exceptions.

What annoys me most, is when an author lets people do stories in their world, and then those stories get completely fucked up in regard to the way the world is supposed to be...

Perfect example, Mercedes Lackey's "Velgarth" universe, most notable series in it, the long running "Heralds of Valdemar" In the Valdemar Companion, she gives a lot more detail to how the country is run and all, but there are also short stories. And in one of those short stories, the author re-creates Scooby Doo, like, literally. Flowered wagon (Mystery machine) a bunch of kids, and a creature that resembles a dog, and is supposed to communicate via mindspeech (telepathy) but instead just speaks alloud and uses a lot of R's "Ruh roh!" and in the end they unmask the greedy old man who was trying to scare everyone away with ghost stories.

That story made me so mad... >.< I almost didn't buy the book because of it. (Yes that's right, 1 short story almost ruined the entire compilation for me. Deal with it!)

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I'm not certain I understand completely--is it basically sanctioned for-profit fan fiction?

I wish I had a robot that folded laundry for me. It is so tedious.

Pretty much, though apparently she, or possibly just her editor approves each story before it gets printed into the compilation. I'm betting on the editor... Though she seems ot have worked most of the stories into the canon storyline.. Even that one I was talking about... If only by mentioning it briefly in one of her newer books.

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