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Talena Mae

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I guess it depends how big your bananas are??? I tried it a while back, one banana isn't a whole lot. Also my blender is a piece of crap, so I ended up with something more like a banana smoothie than ice cream.


The only things I cook without recipes are potato soup, spaghetti, and chicken/fish with rice. If I'm trying something new, especially white sauces since I'm not overly familiar with them, I'll look at recipes to see what I'm supposed to do and what variations people have done. (I don't like a lot of things, so substitutions are pretty much a given, haha.)


But yeah, otherwise the only time I follow a recipe step by step by step is for baking. I don't care enough to be creative, I just want it to taste good so I can shove tasty things into my face. I'll use box mixes from time to time because YOLO. (Actually it's because I'm lazy and also Java tends to supersaturate his coffee and tea with sugar so we often run out. Box mixes means I don't have to scrounge about for sugar.)

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Okay so i have some of fav old school animes that i loved as a child and they are all in good quality given their age, but last night after finishing downloading an episode of cyborg 009 (which was VERY hard to find) i played it to glimpse the quality and my oh my, cyborg 009 is now the oldest anime series i have on my hard drive. Just take a look at the snapshot. VCR!!! LOL


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I haven't used my VCR in forever and a half!


I remember recording every episode of Digimon that came on during the week... and then I'd sit there and watch them all over the weekend.


I wanted a Gatomon plushy. But I never got it.. I did have one of the original digimon e-pet things... But no one else had one, so I had no one to fight.

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I got all the digivices up to like generation 3 or 4 I forget when I stopped. They were all the rage when I was in elementary school ^^. I didn't like battling other people, I just liked shaking the thing incessantly and annoying everyone around me so I could clear the island.

Also only watch FX if they have a good movie on.

Edited by Dae314
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Digimon world 3. Despite a few glitches, and irritating load times, still one of my favorite games.I kinda cheated on my game a little though... I set myself in an area where I could one shot things, taped the control so I was running into a corner, turned on auto fire for X, and taped the button down. Then left for work. When I got home, I had a digivolved form mastered, and lots of training points. ^^


I only did that because leveling took too long normally.

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You could do the same thing with a Turbo controller in FFVI where they're with Banon on the raft, at that little bit that just goes in a continuous loop. And probably a lot of other games. I never did it myself because I'm a sucker for pointless level grinding. I like to turn my brain off when I game, so stupid things become infinitely more interesting--why yes, I will in fact spend two hours picking flowers, why the hell not.

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I do that in WoW... Just fly around picking flowers, or skinning corpses of animals that other people killed and didn't skin, or mining ore nodes... Just depends on what character I'm playing. Irritates people when I do it in the low level areas... but I don't care ^^ My alts need stuff too!

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I do that in WoW... Just fly around picking flowers, or skinning corpses of animals that other people killed and didn't skin, or mining ore nodes... Just depends on what character I'm playing. Irritates people when I do it in the low level areas... but I don't care ^^ My alts need stuff too!


I do that all the time too lol, it's like well you killed it but why let it go to waste, that and too bad for lower lvls lol, they should move faster if they want items haha

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at last count i had like 7 85's and a couple of 90's,but i got sick of wow and uninstalled it about 4 months ago,i keep saying this is the last time i am gonna play but i end up going back to it lol,i just have that urge build up in me and the need to play comes along,at the moment im just playing a bit of EVE Online and a couple of computer games like darksiders and portal.


mabey down the track i will go back to WOW,but wont be for awhile,my mistake was leveling more than one toon,i should have just had 1 character and thats it,but blizz always stuffs up the classes and you get sick of the same toon when you cant play it,like when they brought in that STUPID pally holy bar,OMG that pisses me off so bad,totally ruined the class i reckon,just made it to complicated,so i leveled a DK and they were awesome for all of lich king,but soon as panda came out they nerfed them hard core..... :( you just cant win.

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