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Talena Mae

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Remind me never to have fun on my own Facebook. I make a goofy comment about how I think opera is hilarious and then I get a lecture about how difficult it is and how much work opera singers put into their craft. Because I am literally stupid and uncultured swine who doesn't know shit about anything apparently.




People are such downers, like why.

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It's so over the top and dramatic, how is that not funny? I was watching clips because the opera scene from the Fifth Element was going around on Tumblr and I was looking for examples of coloratura. Context is overrated anyway, haha.



How is that not funny. I get that it's a lot of work, that people literally get booed of the stage if they suck, and that I'm never going to be able to do that with my face, but it's so outrageous. I also think musicals are hilarious for the same reason--I think about how this would go in a real life context and it's goofy as hell.

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lol! I never really got into the theatrical sides of things, haha. I've got to admit at 40-55s I was wondering if that was even the voice of a human. I'm more into Opera when it sounds like this.


Musicals are sometimes cool though! I watched a musical online that had the girl from Anna Kendrick in it when she was a kid. Oh my god, I felt like kidnapping her.


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Oh yeah, I can totally dig pieces like that. And I liked the opera scene from the Fifth Element, both the melodic beginning and the more modern second half--it was pretty much the only scene of that movie I liked, haha.


I love musicals, I just think they are cheesy and hilarious! My first experience with musicals was Cats in middle school, so maybe that's why I feel so irreverent towards them. Dr. Horrible's is a great movie and I enjoyed it a lot--that was my first exposure to NPH, haha.

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That squirrel was intense. I see a lot of squirrels on my walks, so now I have to be careful.


I went down towards DC with my roommate to go to an anime convention. On the way there we were talking about how one of our mutual friends got offended at my Facebook post and pretty much came to the conclusion that if you can't laugh at the things you enjoy, you are probably taking them way too seriously. Like obviously there is a time and place, but it goes both ways--there is a time and place for serious business and a time and place for silly business. I enjoy the things I enjoy, but I also think they are funny and make fun of the things I love.


We figured that because our friend is an aspiring singer/songwriter, he was probably personally offended because he's been a little self-conscious about his craft lately. But I don't think he's even trying to be an opera singer?? Like he makes metal/rock/electronica music, not operatic pieces.


We went into a panel about Pokemon philosophy because we thought it was going to be cool. It was actually anti-cool because everyone in there was taking it way too seriously and also everything they talked about was stuff we'd all had already seen on the Internet or thought about ourselves. Not to mention they sounded more than a little pretentious. I start to get a little suspicious when you say "duality" in almost every sentence.

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Haha, one of the sergeants I worked with was working on a space opera. He was a funny guy, I loved listening to his stories, but he was an oddball. His go-to threat was very specific and went something like this (spoilered because it's a little cray-cray--TW: abuse, animal cruelty):


If you got in trouble, he would give you a puppy. Something you'd fall in love with almost immediately. And he'd wait. Wait until you loved it and cared for it and it was part of your life.

Then he would feed you chili and at the end of the meal, he would reveal documentation of him killing your dog and turning it into chili.


Very reminiscent of Cartman from South Park, haha. Just like, "Yes, yes, let me taste your tears."

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Yeah, it's something we're trying to change, haha. People have this attitude like you can't just shoot the breeze on the forum. Everything's got to be fifty paragraph dissertations and stuff.


Unfortunately I'm not mega big on anime and the only game I play regularly is the Sims, so I can't really go in and poke some of the subforums into activity, haha.

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