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Okay I need some help with this .-.

Pinkie Pie

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I have a friend that's been in an online relationship for a couple of months. Two weeks ago, her parents left for a vacation and she invited him over to her house, without first meeting him in a public place. Since those two weeks, they've been having sex non-stop. A few nights ago, she even had to take emergency contraception because the condom they used failed. And according to her, they've been through boxes of condoms. When all of this first happened, I was supportive, like a good friend should, but after the enema because she was on her period, I started to get a little judgmental. Now I'm not really sure I want to talk to her. But my real concern now isn't what she's doing, but what it's doing to her health. I'm pretty sure that much fooling around isn't healthy for anyone, even a porn star, and since all of this has started, she hasn't really spoken about anything other than sex. So what do I do? How do I delicately tell her that what she's doing is self-destructive?

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Dude, you can't change anyone with just words, but sometimes you have to speak up ! If your concern is truly for her and her well-being you absolutely need to speak your mind, I have no idea what's in your head, But be truthful and honest and try your best not to be rude or disgusting Just let her know that your concerned. If you can sit her down look her in the eyes and vent with the coolest head possible that should be something she can respect... just for petes sake think about what your gonna say before actually saying it !!! If you need to brainstorm what your going to say you are certainly welcome to do it here, but in my opinion the words you need have to atleast come from your own thoughts ! Be patient and understand that no matter what you say it is very possible that in the short-term atleast SHE MAY NOT LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY !!!

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Do what you need to do just think it through, if there is someone you trust, bounce some ideas about what your gonna say off of them and ask if you seem to harsh, and like I said, you can bounce some ideas off of me just try not to get to personal... your business is your business, and she has the same right to privacy as you do.

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Well sex is a healthy activity for the body anyway you look at it, no one should be critized for doing it, but like anything else it can be dangerous in excess. Excessive use of birth control can damage her body, and well, there's always the off-chance she'll get pregnant sooner or later, and then 10 minutes of pleasure won't feel like it was worth having a child or an abortion. So yeah, give her your opinion but don't go all out, its a personal matter and it should be handled delicately, if she has to learn a lesson on this, you really have to let her.

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if you cant convince her to stop this behaviour at least suggest to her a stronger form of birthcontrol then condoms my own mother use depo shots for years which is a 100% means of birth control as depo shots STOP your periods no period=no baby its temporary lasting about 6 months to a year depending on the dosage you want it may not be the thing you want to hear but if you cant stop her then you can help keep her safe

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I know that she's not going to like what I have to say but I do feel like I need to say something before she ends up pregnant or goes into a self-destructive spiral that ends up with her whoring around with an STD.

just tell her to get on the pill or something, don't assume shes gonna end up whoring around that's rather rude, what about your friend did she dump him or something? But your friend should've been a little more careful it hasn't been a long enough relationship online to trust her like that. But people do stupider things in person.

Nothing wrong with her having lots of sex with the same person, it's very healthy. So long as she doesn't sleep around. But if your friend and her can have a trustworthy relationship, there's nothing wrong just get her on the pill so your friend doesn't end up having an unplanned baby to take care of.

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Pills don't ward off stds ! Having met the person online, there are not necessarily any references to their true demeanor, they could just be using his friend for a good time, and even though his friend is probably being exclusive, can you say the same for the other person? And though it may seem perfectly healthy physically, psychologically it can have have very detrimental effects !

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