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Why are we so dead?


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Only 8 members or so has even been logging on during the day, but not a single post.

My question, why are we so dead?

I add, and add, and add new things to do, we have the RPG, the Arcade, then over 60 boards possible to post in, yet nothing.

At any given time we have about 20 to 50 guests on, but no one registers or logs in, and a lot of them are just search engine bots.

Why does no one post? O.o What are we missing or don't have that prevents us from being active?

We can't become an active forum without at least some effort to be active ourselves. I try to post when I get online... I've made a lot of topics but almost all have gone un-posted in. There is nearly 2,000 topics on the forum, and 50% or more have never been posted in..

I advertise the forum in my signature on every forum I visit, which currently I frequent about 4 other forums. I'm not sure if they are bringing in anyone or not, but I have also told people about us, and even mentioned the new downloads..

I notice a lot of visitors and maybe even members are downloading from our downloads, but no one is commenting on the thread saying thanks or even their thoughts on the anime, or even posting mirror downloads.. :/

I've completely used up all the idea's I've had, as well as the idea's given by you (the members) to try to make this place active, and a lot of you claim you want it more active too, but when it comes down to it, you don't even attempt to try.. and thats what is sad.

I spend hundreds upon hundreds of dollars a year to keep the place up, but it's really disappointing to see that the money from my pockets are pretty much going to waste.. :(

Please, at least attempt to be active, invite some new people, advertise where you can, and do what ever else you can to try to raise the activity some. I'd be happy with even just 10 posts a day in total, though more would always be much appreciated. =P

I'm just not so sure about continuing to pay for something that isn't used or doesn't feel like it's appreciated, and to see someone actually attempt something would be nice and make me feel better, because at the moment, like I said.. I'm about to give up on the place.. :'(

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Whenever I come on, I end up not posting, because no one has posted anything new since the last time I visited, and I do not download the anime on here, I go to another website where I read manga, cause I dislike the anime version. Anime is very low-budget, badly done animation, so I stick with the manga, and there is not a manga download section. (OVA or OAVs... whichever it is, are the exception... those are usually very well animated, and are awesome.)

I have posted couple threads here or there trying to get talk started, or activity in some way, but no one ever posted in them... and no one on here RPs...

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This forum started as a roleplay forum and every member use to roleplay but since then its died down and most of the old members have left.. leaving the new members who don't roleplay. :/

And I think thats whats up with most people, they are waiting for others to post before posting, but if everyone does that then there will be no one posting, so to get others to post, we must first start making an effort to post first, make new topics, and try to interact more.

I been considering adding a shoutbox that is intertwined with the forum, but I'm undecided on it and which modification of shoutbox to go with.

And, ah I knew there was something we needed. xD A manga download section. xD I like manga but don't really ever read it as I always go for the anime, but in most instances the manga is better then the anime.. but I don't really know of any good places to get manga either.. :/

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I would love to see this place become like others I have been part of, like RPGForumsonline, and other huge places like that, I try to be as active as possible... if I can help in anyway, tell me... getting members is near impossible for me, but I can be active, maybe even help with info on manga, or something, I dont know, just hit me up if you think of something I may be able to do.

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I would love to see this place become like others I have been part of, like RPGForumsonline, and other huge places like that, I try to be as active as possible... if I can help in anyway, tell me... getting members is near impossible for me, but I can be active, maybe even help with info on manga, or something, I dont know, just hit me up if you think of something I may be able to do.

I'm not looking or asking for this place to become huge huge.. :/ I would just like to have something to reply to or someone to talk to besides myself whenever I visit the place. lol.. But being huge would be great as well, lol.

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Add a cosplay section.

adding another section would be meaningless without active users to post in it..

and I'm not too sure that even most of our inactive members even cosplay.. O.o

I know I don't... lol.. =P

Adding one though, might be an idea, if we were active enough for it.. :/

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adding another section would be meaningless without active users to post in it..

and I'm not too sure that even most of our inactive members even cosplay.. O.o

I know I don't... lol.. =P

Adding one though, might be an idea, if we were active enough for it.. :/

Cosplayers have no reason to come if there is no section, think this way...

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Do you know any people you could talk into coming here if we had a cosplay section?

And yes, if the few members sticking around atm went and mass advertised, that would be one of the most helpful things. Give a shout out about us on your livejournal, myspace, facebook, blog, instant messengers, private messages on other forums that allows it, advertise in your signature and in the advertise board of other forums you frequent.

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If anything, Kametsu needs to be condensed. Maybe just have one Final Fantasy forum period, instead of separate sections for each game. Some other things are like the separate Naruto forum. Stuff like that should be scrapped and left for other sites that are Naruto specific. I think the forum tries to do too much, but should just do a little of everything.

This layout needs to be updated into a more "mature" or rather a more professional look. I have no problem with the anime images but it needs to be a bit more simple and clean. I always get a little kid type feel when I come here but you're talking about an 18+ section? A dark and more serious tone should be the default.

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Not sure how welcome my opinion is, but it seems like the forum just needs some new faces, returning faces. A lot of topics get created and ignored, members login look and log off. Adding more or changing it to suite a few would help temporarily, but it would not fix anything permanently.

I can even agree there's a lot here, too much to root through to find something worth posting in, but again, deleting or changing it wont make people post. I think you need some event to draw some attention from existing members who you know will post, not just new members who post for while and leave. That's just my opinion though.

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Not sure how welcome my opinion is, but it seems like the forum just needs some new faces, returning faces. A lot of topics get created and ignored, members login look and log off. Adding more or changing it to suite a few would help temporarily, but it would not fix anything permanently.

I can even agree there's a lot here, too much to root through to find something worth posting in, but again, deleting or changing it wont make people post. I think you need some event to draw some attention from existing members who you know will post, not just new members who post for while and leave. That's just my opinion though.

Agreed, but as far as I know, no one helps advertise besides me, and well I have always been advertising at the forums I go to in my signature but they don't help much. I need help from others to help spread the word... :/

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