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Sa Bir

Pinkie Pie

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When Sachie heard his alarm ring loudly, he slapped down hard on the snooze button atop the small blue alarm clock and settled to sleep again, pulling the over up to his cheek and hugging one of this pillows. He sighed a little and felt his eye sink shut. But his sleeping wouldn’t last long. Forty-five minutes later, his door was thrown open and a small child already dressed for school came in. “Sachie! SA! CHIE! WAKE! UP! RIGHT! NOW!” He blinked and yawned. “What do you want, Alisa?” he groggily asked, She was the next door neighbor’s daughter and adored him endlessly, particularly because he was a masterful pastry chef and she liked to eat. “Sachie come onnn. Get up! I want an apple Danish before school!” He sat up and stretched. “I can’t make that in time. I have to be at school by 8. We’ve been over this.” He pushed back the cover and got up, making his bed right away. The little girl plopped down hard on his neat bed and crossed her arms. “Make me something tasty or I’m not moving.”

He looked at the time. “It’s only 6:30. I guess I could squeeze in a little something.” Alisa hopped up and hugged his bare abdomen. “You go into the front room while I make it, okay?” She nodded and ran off. He put shirt on before leaving the room and finding his mother, who was sitting at the table in her bathrobe, enjoy a tabloid and a cup of coffee. “Morning Sachie.” She took another sip. “Mother, please stop letting Alisa come into my room in the mornings. She wouldn’t get out until I said that I would make something for her to eat.” His mother sighed a little. “Darling, you’re the only boy in her life that means something to her. All other male figures have let her down or hurt her. Please figure out your own way of tolerating her love.” He crossed his arms. “So you’re telling me to deal with it?” She gave him a sharp look. “Yes. Deal with it.” Sachie pretended to be shocked. “My own mother! Where did you learn such awful language?” She smiled at him and hit him with her rolled up tabloid when he got up to preheat the oven. He opened the freezer door and pulled out a covered baking sheet carefully. “So that’s what you were up to last night, you sneaky devil.” He turned around. “Shh…She’ll never know the difference.” He uncovered the sheet and put it in the oven when it was preheated. It would be ready a few minutes after his shower, or so he estimated. “Take it out if I’m not ready, please.”

“Certainly. Now go get ready.” He nodded a little and went into his room to see Alisa asleep on his bed. “Hey sleepyhead! Get up. You want to miss breakfast?” Her light eyes fluttered open. “Is it ready?” He shook his head. “Not yet. Come on, I’ve got a present for you.” He reached into a drawer in his dresser and got out a wrapped box. It had pretty purple stripes and a white bow. “Here.” She took it and ripped off the paper, exposing a doll and horse set. “Sachie! This is so pretty! I’ll be the Barbie and you’ll be the horse and we’ll have an ~adventure~” He smiled at her “You’re welcome. Now, will Barbie and her horse be able to make it to the Evil Front Room of Doom?”

She gave him a sharp look. “His name is Archibald Sparkle Pony. The third. And he doesn’t like your attitude, mister.”

“Come on now, I need to get ready for school.” She grabbed the toys and dashed off to the front room, changing the channel from the morning news to a bright, girly cartoon.

Sachie shook his head and picked an outfit before grabbing his towel and getting into the shower. That doll and pony set was something he promised her months ago when he babysat Alisa for her mother and they saw a commercial for it. Giving her presents and watching her for free were small acts of kindness that he knew his mother appreciated deeply. He often wondered about her mother’s life, and what it much feel like to be seventeen with a five year old daughter. He shuddered and shut the water off. There were some things in the world that would never make sense to him, sleeping with a twelve year old girl just one of them. He got out, wrapping his large towel around his waist and opening the door slightly to see if Alisa was still in the front room, playing with the doll he bought for her. He saw her singing a nursery rhyme quietly and gently brushing the pink pony’s mane, then asking his mother for a ribbon. “Just a minute dear. Mrs.Rogers has to put her makeup on. Care to join me? I’ll make you pretty too” Alisa abandoned the pony mid-brushstroke and followed Sachie’s mother into the mater bedroom.

This was his chance to get dressed. He picked a pair of black boy styled girl underwear that resembled short black boxers and stretched a bit before wiggling into a pair of tight purple pants. He leaned backwards to zip it up and put on a white studded belt that served no purpose at all. He then put on a purple wife beater, then a purple and white plaid shirt with the top two buttons undone. Then he went in front of the mirror hanging on his wall and brushed his bright red chin length, fashionably cut hair into a tragically hip sidesweep. After that was done, he went into phase two of his transformation and put a purple and white checkered scarf on around his neck, making sure the fringed edges showed. He then found his white creepers and put them on after finding purple trouser socks. To fully complete his tragically hip look, her put on white plastic frame glasses with fake lenses. “Lookin’ good, babe.” He pointed at himself in the mirror, pushing the sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows fist.

While he was admiring himself, the timer for the oven angrily buzzed. He grabbed his school bag and went into the kitchen, putting it on the table. He slipped an oven mitt on and pulled out the sheet of perfectly baked apple danishes, setting it on top of the stove. He got out three plates and carefully put one on each plate, dusting them all with powdered sugar. “It’s ready!” he called, putting his bag on the floor and shutting off the television. He also picked up the doll and the pony, setting them on the sleek brown coffee table. A few minutes later, his mother and Alisa appeared, who was wearing lip gloss and a little mascara. “Ohh I thought you were Alisa for a second there. You’re just in time for breakfast, princess.”

“Noo! I’m Alisa!” She sat down and waited for Sachie’s mother to join them before eating. Sachie ate his danish then sighed a little. “What? These are delicious. I could eat them all day and not feel bad about it at all, no matter how much it destroys my figure. Right Alisa?” Alisa nodded energetically and, finishing the last bit. “That was yummy, Sachie! Can I have one to eat for lunch?” Sachie’s mother shook her head. “Nope, you’ve got to eat fruits and vegetables so you can be big and strong like Sachie. You won’t be big and strong if all you eat is apple danishes. Come now, we can’t be late. For school.” Alisa hugged Sachie tightly. “Bye Sachie! I’ll see you later!” She took Sachie’s mother’s hand and they left. He looked at the clock. “I’d better get going too.” He grabbed his bag and dark purple coat, slinging the bag over his shoulder after putting his coat on and locking the door behind him.

He saw Alisa’s mother up ahead, walking a few feet in front of him and sped up to catch her. “Hi Molly. How are things?” She turned to him. “Oh you know, the same as always Was she good this morning? Did she eat breakfast alright?” She pushed her long dark brown hair back then contained it in a low ponytail. “Yes, of course. She had an apple danish for breakfast.” He reached into the front pocket of his coat and got out a wrapped object. “Here’s one for you.” he said, handing it to her. It was still very warm. She hugged him. “Thank you. “ She took off some of the plastic wrap and started to eat it. “I got her a present last night. It’s that Barbie set she really wanted. I hope it’s alright.” Molly smiled. “I’m sure she loves it.” She paused for a bit. “You know…you’re really important to her. You’re the only man in her life that hasn’t let her down or hurt her. Every night when I put her in bed, she goes ‘Where’s Sachie? I want Sachie to tuck me in.’ or ‘I want Sachie to tell me a bedtime story.’ She gets so exicted to see you when she goes to your house.” Molly blinked back a tear and accepted Sachie’s hug. “I’m glad I can be there for the both of you.” He said softly.

“I can really count on your mum and your dad and you, you know? I know that you don’t help me because you feel sorry for me.” She sniffled. “Come now, don’t cry. I don’t like seeing pretty girls cry.” He stroked her hair gently and went in for another hug. “Are you sure that we can’t be together?” she asked softly.

“Yes. It’s too risky. Besides, I’m younger than you. What will people say?” She grabbed him by the panels of his coat. “Do you think I care? I need you, Sacheverell Rogers.” She kissed him right where they stood, only letting him go because they needed to breathe. It was then that she realized that they were at a busy intersection and that there were a few spectators that lurked. She blushed and Sachie put an arm around her shoulders. ‘Alright, fine. Just don’t get clingy and obsessive, okay? And until further notice, just occasional kissing. Neither of us need a serious relationship right now. Another thing. No obsessively texting me. A text conversation during Maths is fine I guess but nothing too crazy. And for the love of puff pastry, don’t broadcast to your mates that you’re kissing me, okay? It drives me stark raving mad when people do that-“ she kissed him again to make him shut up. He gently pusher her away. “Enough of that. We’re going to be late.” For the rest of the walk, they idly chatted about mutual friends and homework. When it was time for them to part, she gave him a warm hug that made him feel light-headed.

“At break then.” He said, after they left go. She nodded. “At break.”

A few seconds later he felt a hand clap down on his shoulder. “Was that Mother Molly?” He turned around to see a tall guy with long brown hair wearing rather plain clothes. “It was. She’s my girl now. Her and her daughter.” His friend shook his head. “No, man. She popped out a kid before most chicks are even interested in dick. If that doesn’t say it, nothing will and you need help if you don’t see it.” Sachie crossed his arms. “The authorities confirmed it as rape, François. Maybe your older brother is secretly the father. Seems like his cup of tea. She was a young girl, still tight and unexperienced. He thought that he’d show her how it’s done, but oh shit! She got knocked up and her life was ruined forever.” His expression was very unamused.

François punched his arm. “Low blow, man. Low blow. Not my fault he’s a freak.” Sachie shrugged. “As long as he doesn’t hurt anyone, I guess. Are you busy after work?” François shook his head. “Good. We might as well stop by that freakshow’s flat to make sure that he’s not killing kittens with hammers or drills or some sick shit. Or playing one of those sick anime games with the little kid getting violated with big tentacles. I still can’t unsee that.” François frowned. “Why the fuck did you remind me of that? Augh. I still can’t look at octopi or squid the same after he showed us that.” They both shuddered.

“Let’s just…go.” Sachie nodded in agreement. They bumped fists and went their separate ways. Sachie watched his friend leave and smiled a little. François’ older brother scared a lot of people and it bothered him far more than it showed. He went off to his first class without a second thought on the matter.

Sachie sighed and rested his head on his left arm. It was almost time for break, but it felt like forty years instead of forty minutes. He shut out whatever his History teacher was discussing in his monotone droning, and instead let him mind wander to Molly. She wasn’t particularly dreamy, but she was definitely cute enough to get attention, with her long dark brown hair, with a cute sidebang, and the light spattering of freckles against her fair cheeks. And how dare he forget her light blue eyes framed by those long lashes? Her clothing style could use some work. She loved knitted jackets, sweaters and dresses so much that she had two in every color. Her best outfit was a white headband with a black knitted dress and white tights with black flats (or boots, depending on the weather.) He thought about those soft lips and the shiny gloss she wore on them, and those delicate little hands with their flawless manicure. And then his mind drifted to the parts of her that really mattered. They had been neighbors for years. The last time he saw her in a bikini, and then she was just filling in the cups of her top. By now they were definitely bigger. Definitely at least C. Or maybe even C and a half. And they were softer too. And touchable and squeezable and even kissable. He blushed and smiled. Maybe someday they’d get to the point where he’d be allowed to touch, squeeze and kiss them. But just thinking about them was fine too.

Before he knew what was going on, the bell rang. He swept his things up and stuffed them into his bag, going into the main hall to meet up with Molly.

Edited by Emotional Outlet
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  • 9 months later...

Why hasn't this gotten any comments? I really liked it--I got confused at first and thought the mother in the first few paragraphs was Alisa's mother, made all the worse when Molly was introduced and they were talking about the pastries. I was like, "You were there!" But then I read it again and realised it was just a reading comprehension fail on my part, haha.

I hope you haven't given up on this story! I'd like to see where it goes.

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That's unfortunate. Scrivener tells me it's about 2.5k long, so if that's too long for people, then what I'm posting for my story is definitely too long since each section is about 3k, haha. It doesn't take that long to read something of that length, but I do read kind of quickly.

I'd hate to think that's the reason, though. I like the amount of detail you put into your writing and would hate to see any of that go to waste.

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I read it when you posted it Joy, just had a lot on my plate. Never got around to commenting. I must admit, like EO, I got confused at first, wasn't sure who the mother was. Tis good though, although I thought it was a side from UK when I read the name Sachie...:P

People find it hard to read a lot on a computer screen, so walls often put folks off. Empathy had the same problem with her stories, but she broke it up a bit more, found it easier to read.

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