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Netflix Instent stream anime

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I'll post everything that I've watched so far from the dubbed anime streams on Netflix.

- Robotech

- Claymore

- Basalisk

- Samurai 7 (I actually own the boxset to this)

- Mushi-Shi (Probably my favorite anime of all time now)

- Darker Than Black (I believe they have all volumes of the first season now)

- Initial D (Four Stages so far I believe, I just started watching them)

- Fullmetal Panic, Fumoffu, and The Second Raid (1st+2nd Season & OVAs for inbetween)

- Shuffle! (Good Series, though most people hate the anime ending; I liked it)

- Sacred Blacksmith (I didn't really like this all that much, too girly - also a short series)

- Fullmetal Alchemist (They also have the first half of Brotherhood as well)

- Eden of the East

- Vandread (Season 1 & 2)

- Trigun

- Gunslinger Girl (Seasons 1 & 2, plus 2's OVAs)

- xxxHolic

- Devil May Cry

- Xenosaga

- Dragonaut

- Fruits Basket

- Heroic Age

From everything I just listed, Those are mostly what I've seen (or saw for streaming) in the past four months, but Netflix often has a "Available Until..... xx/xx/xxxx" Thing where they remove content from the instant streams, so some of the things that I may have listed may not be up for streaming from Netflix anymore.

Also, I think from what I listed - those are all complete, cause Netflix has quite a few "[insert Anime Title] Season 1 or Part 1" so if you blow through like all thirteen episodes of volume one, you'll be sitting there for awhile until they upload the other parts for streaming.

Don't get me wrong, they're all dubbed but anime is anime to me, dubbed or subbed.

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Well guess it depends on what kind of anime you like. Some I've watched on it, and like, are Samurai 7, Claymore, and Clannad. I saw Spice & Wolf on there last night, which is also a good one. I am currently watching Dragonuat which so far seems a bit meh, but I'm only on ep 9.

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I love netflix once I learned they had a lot of Funi's shows up for streaming. They also have bleach and naruto available for streaming in subs on there too. I personally hate Naruto in both languages but maybe you like it or havent tried it. Darker Than Black is a great show, Spice and Wolf is probably the best anime I have ever seen, Tokyo Majin isnt bad, Afro Samurai is another good one on there, Phantom is on there and is really good also, and there is more added all the time. A lot of Funi's anime has been being posted on there more and more lately too.

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