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To prevent new users from just going into every uploaders archive and saying 'thanks' or 'nice collection'. Or going into manga or torrents and doing something similar since unlike the actual Anime Downloads, those sections are open to viewing by Crusader-0's... I've now just made it so while they can view those sections they are unable to post in those sections and therefore cannot use them to easily spam 'thanks' to get access to the Anime Downloads. This will cut down on the amount of posts we have to sort through and delete, and perhaps cutdown on those we have to suspend for spamming (doubtful, but hey one can always hope).

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I see the Thanks button on other forums that I visit but the thanks go to the uploader and is added up as reputation points. Something like our Gil and that stops a lot of spamming. Maybe that might help and it could help you and everyone else to keep track on the popular items that are being downloaded. Just a thought.

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I have often thought about the thanks button, but the problem is, I enjoy having people actually post their thanks in the topic and it helps bring older topics back to life and to the first page regularly. To add a thanks button wouldn't be too problematic but going through all the topics to add the bb code to each post so it wouldn't show the links until clicking thanks would be, and then it'd also pretty much end all posting in the download section anyways. Besides this update here wasn't about the actual download link threads either.. it was about other areas of the Content Distro area that was being spammed even though they didn't contain the actual Anime DDL's.

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