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hi people

im mitz

friend of Koby's hes known me for a good 2 - 3 years but we do not chat much lol

abit about me:

Fav band: Lostprophets

fav color: blue/black/red

occupation: doing a foundation degree in multimedia

prob post on here at least once a day if i can so hope to get to know some of u :)

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lolz nvm xD if its boring...its boring people have lifes outside the net cnt expect them to be glued here ready to reply at every new post

also my net is going down from the 5th of october to the 15th of october since i been downloading too much xD and the company is suspending my acc for heavy usage and breaking the policy xD told my father to get unlimited....but noo lets not listen to the multimedia student who also did a software qualification xD parents -.- can't wait til i can afford my own place xD

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True, lol..

That sucks about not having unlimited internet. I remember when I had netzero for free, only had 10 hours a month. Oh darn when I'd have to be online to do something then boom less then 2 days into the month or so I'd have no more internet. O.o So I had to try to be on for only 15 to 20 minutes to ensure I'd be able to get on all month.

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  • 1 year later...

Well im planning on coming back after all this time xD i wasn't very active last time i was here but yeh i need something to do to kill my time so i thought i'd check this place out again lolz seems more lively than last time

so how ya been koby and friends?

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tired lolz

but i've been good

i dropped outta that media course i was doing, now im doing a general computing course that covers database design concepts, system analysis and design and ASP web design and thats in the 1st year...which is almost up i think i have 5 weeks left of university til we break up then we just have exams to go back for

anywaysz what u been up to and why are u on dial up thats like so old skool haha

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tired lolz

but i've been good

i dropped outta that media course i was doing, now im doing a general computing course that covers database design concepts, system analysis and design and ASP web design and thats in the 1st year...which is almost up i think i have 5 weeks left of university til we break up then we just have exams to go back for

anywaysz what u been up to and why are u on dial up thats like so old skool haha

Because we live right outside the city limits which means nothing works except dial-up. I was visiting my grandma and using her cable internet.. but it got shut off because of illegal downloading.

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yeah, I know... I was like... wtf? 5,000 yards isn't very far to be honest.

I mean seriously.. we only live at most 10 miles from their actual building/headquarters whatever that they claim we have to be a certain distance from.. so what? apparently you have to be less than 5 miles from their company? How the heck do they supply service and survive then?

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that is like the dumbest thing i have ever heard u should like complain or something over here we don't have that problem, u can't get like some of the fastest speeds in some areas but u can definatly get broadband throughout the whole country

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