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I'm sure most of you heard of this game. This game has got some BAD reviews and many hate it. I've never seen a PS3 get so much hate. SO yesterday, I decided to pick this game up.........WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE!!!!???? This game is ill. Do you know why they hate this game? Because of the controls. That's it. The game fully supports the motion sensitivity of the SIXAXIS controller. Yes, its a little difficult at first but once you get the hang of it, you'll have no problem. I cannot believe that that is the MAIN complaint of this game and why people hate it. Did this many people complain when flOw came out? The graphics are AWESOME! I only have a SDTV. What? FM staff ain't rich either. lol. The BGM fits the game well and the game play is so fun. If you have a PSP, you can use remote play and play Lair on your PSP! Lair is the 1st game where you can play a PS3 game on your PSP. I've done it myself. On the PSP, you use the analog to move. However, theer are some moves you can't fo and the L and R buttons don't work on the PSP. But Remote Play is still in its infantcy but its great to see such a feature. I've also heard that if you use a PS2 controller instead, you can use teh analogs to move and the controls work well. But only a few things you can't do. But seems to be a ggood solution to people whining. Here is my advice to you all, DO NOT let other decide for you. If you have doubt, rent it. I was hyped for this game and I love it. I haven't beaten it yet so I'm still progressing. But my money was well spent here. I say, the reviewers are full of a whole lot of BS and they need to get over the fact that they suck at this game and review it right. This game deserves at least a 7/10.

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Reviewers and Critics are two different things. What you've read was probably the work of Reviewers, who are Game Critic wanabes, I would say. Critics are MEANT to point out the faults in the games, that's why they're called Critics. Reviewers are just gay and suck at most games, so they just say the game is horrible and no one should buy it. I read something about that on a sig once. The sentence was: "The only reason why you hate RPGs is because YOU SUCK AT THEM." And that's pretty much it.

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Final Fantasy XIII is most probably going to be very loved, and then very hated, just like Final Fantasy XII and just like any other FF to come. The only thing they care about these days is providing stunning graphics with nothing to back it up. Slap on a complicated story, so that no one even bothers to follow, the player simply thinks towards his own self that the story is too complicated to follow so pretty much ignores it, saying around out loud to other FFXII players that "the story was amazing" just so they'd be considered a "smart player", when no one actually could even discribe what the HELL went on, on that game. (in order for the details to not be discovered, and the gamer concentrating on the graphics and gameplay at hand, it's a brilliant strategy).

Metal Gear Solid 4 isn't even out yet and it's already loved. In my own opinion, Metal Gear is one of the most brilliant games ever made. A game for people with brains. A game NOT for people who play stuff like Devil May Cry, in which you pass the entire game by pressing at max three combinations of buttons. A game ESPECIALLY not for people who play Shoot'em Ups like Halo. Every Metal Gear players...aherm, let correct that, every GOOD Metal Gear player, knows that without the brains, there's no way you'll get through the game nicely enough to enjoy it. But you know what they're gonna say? I'll bet you they'll say "the series have been taken way too far" simply because of Old Snake and the over-exhagerated Raiden's skills. Alas, the sentence maintains itself. "The only reason why you hate RPGs is because you SUCK AT THEM" (RPGs being a metaphor for all the games that deserve to be re-rated by decent critics)

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I wanted Lair for whenever I could afford a PS3, but then I read the poor reviews given to it by Game Informer and I kind of decided against getting it. They said the controls were poorly done and the dragons where hard to control and went very slow and etc..

However my sister still plans on getting it.. Hell she'd buy anything that had either dragons or horses in it though. LOL

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