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Pinpointing the Assistance Board.


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I'm getting sick of some of the things happening within the Assistance board. When someone posts a suggestion to add or remove something on the board, or how to improve something you shouldn't be rude or attack them as some of you have been doing. Instead of doing that, you should only post if you have something to say in retrospect of the suggestion, as in whether or not you'd like to see it happen, and the reason for why you want it.

For now on, anyone who posts in there just to attack the suggester will be warned and/or possibly suspended for a week or so. I will not put up with such rudeness to those who only wish to help better the forum.

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I'll take this opportunity to apologise for my recent behaviour in respect to this topic. As a new member of the forum I should be playing it a bit cooler and as someone whos been going on forums since i was around 12 or 13 i cant excuse myself because i know the rules.

I have a habit of being short with people and getting my point across even if it is petty but I will try a bit harder to keep my mouth shut, i may not start the arguments or attacks but i sure as hell contribute to them. so apologies for that.

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It wasn't really you, and it wasn't just in your topic. Many members have been being very rude in many of the suggestive topics of the assistance board, and well I'm just sick of it.

This community strives on being a fun place to hang out and kill time, and I don't want to see it turn into a fight fest showdown, or w/e. =P

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I'll take this opportunity to apologise for my recent behaviour in respect to this topic. As a new member of the forum I should be playing it a bit cooler and as someone whos been going on forums since i was around 12 or 13 i cant excuse myself because i know the rules.

I have a habit of being short with people and getting my point across even if it is petty but I will try a bit harder to keep my mouth shut, i may not start the arguments or attacks but i sure as hell contribute to them. so apologies for that.

Awww. now's a time for a group hug.! :D

But yeah, some people need to chill. lol

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