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John Krasinski To Direct ‘A Quiet Place 2’


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t1hcQrv.jpgSources says John Krasinski is returning to direct A Quiet Place 2. He already was on board to write the sequel.


We hear production will begin in July on the film produced by Brad Fuller and Andrew Form.


We also hear that Emily Blunt’s deal for the sequel is closed as well and that her onscreen children Millicent Simmonds and Noah Jupe are in talks to return.


Blunt recently won a Screen Actors Guild best supporting actress award for her turn in the film. Today on Instagram Krasinski announced the sequel’s release date: May 15, 2020.


The $17M production made its world premiere at SXSW a year ago, where it promptly sent electricity into the audience. The pic was expected to open around $30M, and over-performed its domestic tracking with a $50.2M opening, and final stateside of $188M, $340M WW. With Paramount struggling before Jim Gianopulos’ arrival to the studio, A Quiet Place came as a wonderful renaissance for them. Gianopulos announced the sequel to the alien thriller last spring at CinemaCon.


The dazzle of A Quiet Place: It was largely a near dialogue-less screenplay where sound was the motivating fear factor. The movie is Oscar-nominated for Ethan Van der Ryn and Erik Aadahl’s sound editing work.


The original feature left off with Emily Blunt’s protagonist, Evelyn Abbott, rifle-in-hand, ready to take down the aliens swarming her farm where she and her kids had cloistered.


Following the success of A Quiet Place, producers Fuller and Form launched a new production label at Paramount, Fully Formed, Entertainment.

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Not really excited, tbh.


A Quiet Place had many flaws in logic, to say the least, but it still managed to be entertaining and well done despite a relatively weak script.

In that vein, I don't feel there's any need for a continuation. While the ending can be considered open-ended, it is clear they now know how to fight the monsters, so a lot of what made the first movie good will simply not be there.


I would definitely prefer a new idea over a sequel.

Also, just joined and I can't access the edit profile menu, would you maybe happen to know why?

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14 minutes ago, TheMoverOfPlanets said:

Not really excited, tbh.


A Quiet Place had many flaws in logic, to say the least, but it still managed to be entertaining and well done despite a relatively weak script.

In that vein, I don't feel there's any need for a continuation. While the ending can be considered open-ended, it is clear they now know how to fight the monsters, so a lot of what made the first movie good will simply not be there.


I would definitely prefer a new idea over a sequel.

Also, just joined and I can't access the edit profile menu, would you maybe happen to know why?

I agree, most of what made the first good was the not knowing, which is completely gone now. The second film will likely just be humanity taking back the planet. I also agree that you pretty much have to turn off your brain while watching due to a lot of the flaws.


As for your question, you should be able to access it now. Editing profiles were locked for zero post accounts to prevent spam bot abuse (where a bot would get through the defenses to register an account and add a bunch of spam in their profile boxes that wouldn't be caught for years. It sucks that measures have to be taken such as that, but it becomes unlocked after your initial post.

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Yeah, pretty much. Instability and uncertainty are what makes suspense because we humans get scared when we're not in control of a situation.

When you have such a powerful weapon, all that disappears. Hopefully, Krasinski approaches this in a more interesting way than what you propose, although I'm not too hopeful. The first one threaded dangerous ground, so this one might just trip and fall into the pit of failed sequels.





As for your question, you should be able to access it now. Editing profiles were locked for zero post accounts to prevent spambot abuse (where a bot would get through the defenses to register an account and add a bunch of spam in their profile boxes that wouldn't be caught for years. It sucks that measures have to be taken such as that, but it becomes unlocked after your initial post.



I imagined it was something along those lines.

I've used many forum boards throughout the years, so I definitely understand the need for such measures. 

Anyway, thanks for the help

Edited by TheMoverOfPlanets
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8 hours ago, TheMoverOfPlanets said:

A Quiet Place had many flaws in logic


7 hours ago, Koby said:

I also agree that you pretty much have to turn off your brain while watching due to a lot of the flaws.


I have read this specific criticism in many places. Isn't the majority of movies like this?

Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy - all movies in this genre are flawed. Its kind off silly just to pick one movie and criticize it for being a "Sci-Fi Horror".


On the other hand, I have liked it a lot but doing a second movie? ... Nope no thanks.



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10 hours ago, emjay911 said:



I have read this specific criticism in many places. Isn't the majority of movies like this?

Sci-Fi, Horror, Fantasy - all movies in this genre are flawed. Its kind off silly just to pick one movie and criticize it for being a "Sci-Fi Horror"



No, quite the opposite actually. Many movies, the best movies, require constant engagement and overall audience participation. 

I don't really like the phrase "Turn your brain off," or well, not enough to take it as anything but slang, anyway. Much like with good movies, the best worse movies are good due to us using our brain to be shocked at how bad they are. Engagement is key.


The problem with "A Quiet Place" is not its genre. "Annihilation," also a Sci-Fi horror with a relatively whacky premise and not very realistic science happens to be much, much better than the former. The key difference is that the events that occur in "Annihilation" are logically consistent with the rules its own universe has set up. This means that you don't constantly have to be ignoring parts of the story for it in order to make sense. However, if you have to ignore rules that the own movie has set up, you're in front of a good ol' plot-hole.


Plot-holes are not just flaws in "Real life logic". A plot-hole is a flaw in internal logic, and "A Quiet Place" has a lot. So many, in fact, that you are forced to ignore key elements of the plot in order for it to make sense. Suspension of disbelief is a rubber band, and it can only stretch so much. 

 For me, "A Quiet Place" worked more on a technical level than a narrative one. I was still able to enjoy it as I just took the premise as the framework for character conflict, which is why the end got boring for me.



"A Quiet Place" spoilers:


One of the biggest plot-holes is the waterfall.

It is established that waterfall is enough to confuse the creatures, so, why not live, you know, next or very close to the waterfall? You can just run to the waterfall if anything were to happen. 

Further than that, if waterfalls are enough to cover your screams, that would mean no one, no general, no scientist, no normal person, nobody thought of using a speaker as a distraction while you mow down the creatures? Did soldiers never notice this when using grenades or when standing next to a tank, fighter jet, or any type of vehicle that produces as much noise as a waterfall would? 

But, okay, let's assume everything was super fast and all relevant military personnel died and people only discovered this very late in the invasion. This 20 dollars speaker produces as many decibels as a small waterfall... It is simply illogical that no one figured this out, or that if the family knew about, they did not take advantage of it.


It is also established that the father is proficient with electronics. So, the guy couldn't figure out how to make a simple binary switch to turn on a speaker located in his backyard, where he can easily mow down the aliens? He couldn't even use a fucking Bluetooth connection? Nonsense. The waterfall is a lazy plot device and nothing more. It is there to have the father and son bond. It is not a natural part of the world, which is why its existence breaks the rules and logic of its world.

Everything the waterfall establishes breaks the plot of the movie. Instead, if the creatures were able to detect sudden changes of vibrations in the air, the waterfall and loud sounds, in general, would only give a small degree of protection. Or even better, just don't show the waterfall. It still remains an obvious thing but as long as it is not shown, it is easy to ignore the illogicality of it. If you do show it, however, you put it in the mind of the spectators.


There's also the fact that they use a mattress to cover their sound in the basement. A mattress, when it has been established that the creatures have very good hearing. There's also the nail in the middle of the stairs where no nail would be nailed. We have the random man in the forest, creatures behaving differently depending on the scenes, and the forced plot devices keep piling on. Not one of the plot devices is natural at all. They are there simply to serve a purpose, and while you can say that in a good movie everything plays a part in the story, in good movies, plot devices have to be properly set up and they need to make sense. The script doesn't advance in a natural way and needs many... conveniences at best, and flaws in internal logic at worst. I mean a random man just appears in the forest because the movie needed some conflict. That is not great writing.


These may seem like nitpicks to you, but I thought all of this while watching the movie and as I said, there's only so much load that my suspension of disbelief can take.

So, as we've already seen, the Science part doesn't make much sense and is definitely not a strong point of the script. But, what about the fiction part? The creatures don't really have much lore and they're not all that interesting visually.

If neither the Science nor the Fiction parts of this Sci-Fi horror film are well developed, what do you have left? The horror and character conflict. The movie does develop the character conflict up to a certain point, but then it goes into a more slasher movie type of narrative.  That is in my opinion, the biggest mistake of the film. Once you throw out the character conflicts and development, all you have left is a horror movie with a gimmick. And sadly, that's what "A Quiet Place" is, a horror movie with a gimmick that just happens to be well shot. 


Overall, I enjoyed the first act of the movie a lot but after that, especially the third act, it became boring. The movie completely brushed aside the character drama and went for a slasher movie ending, which sucked! 

The creatures are just a framework for the characters to develop and the movie should've played that up, not the monsters.


All movies are flawed when it comes to real life logic, they are movies, after all. That doesn't mean the flaws of the script are to just be ignored.




 Of course, aside from the flaws on internal logic, there are other issues; the movie is well shot but isn't really anything special and the characters while interesting, are not developed enough to be great. 

The best part is the sound design which is really good, so props for that.


It's a decent movie, nothing really special. Enjoyable and serviceable but end ups being dragged down by its own plot, premise, and lack of focus on the stronger points of the story.


A better movie with a relatively similar narrative is "The VVitch" that is much better at depicting the breakdown of a family as they're being attacked by forces outside their control. Better cinematography, better writing, better acting, better direction.  100% recommended it if you haven't seen it yet.

Edited by TheMoverOfPlanets
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