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Loyal Wolf

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Sorry man, I don't read messages twice.


Who is my favorite actor = I don't really have one. There are so many great ones. Strange thing is there are so much more male great talented actors than female and I have always found that very peculiar. I just don't really do favorites. Just like favorite movies. I love Star Wars because of the universe and background but Lord of the Rings is the same, just like Star Trek. Favoring something seems strange to me, probably something to do with my autism.


Who is you're favorite athlete of all time?

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4 hours ago, Loyal Wolf said:

Nobody wants to answer your whorish question... I was afraid of that.


I used to think I dress like a bat to instill fear into Gotham's super criminals, but recently I've come to realize that, actually, I just crave attention



My favorite weather is hot summer weather with absolutely 0 humidity, but how often are we lucky enough to get both simultaneously?


If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

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2 minutes ago, DabDeity710 said:


If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?


Anywhere where you are alone for miles but can still get good internet in some way and get food and other essential stuff in a moderately normal way. My most liked environment is snow or forested areas. I have seen a documentary recently of Siberia and that was just amazing. Tibet is also amazing but way too high up so everything costs incredible amounts of energy to do and it feels weird. And not good for people with migraines. New Zealand is just amazing. Everywhere you look it's incredible. But you also have great locations close to New York that are extremely remote but still close to civilization.


New Question: From a scale of 1 to 10, how handsome would you rate yourself.


I would rate myself a 5. I have very low self-esteem. My ex and other women told me I was an 8, so probably a 7, 7,5 because they always sugar it for you ;) . They told me I was handsomer than normal but not a model. Just good looking but not to gawk at. I don't agree at all, I find myself a monstrosity. A giant of a man who has the body of a gorilla (without any hair). Do have blue eyes and nice thick hair and dimples in my cheeks is what people always tell me. But still, I just don't see it.


I always say, when you get told 1 time that you are ugly, you don't care, when you get told 20 times, you still don't, but when someone tells you hundreds of times that you are ugly as hell, it sticks.


My brother is a model and I just can't tell you how many times I got told I was ugly compared to him. He is like a Twilight vampire. Thin, handsome, can eat whatever he wants and so on. Girls were walking after him like he was a god. It was ridiculous and I was nothing. And they told me that so many times. Literally asked me in my face how I could be so goddamn ugly compared to my brother. Even family did it. School teachers did it too.


There were girls always over, the prettiest girls and they ignored me like the plague. Hated me. Why? I was such a nice kid. Always with the hate and the superiority complexes. It's ridiculous! And most of these girls and women had IQ's that never got above 3 digits. So many narcissistic girls, ridiculous. They always say, pretty on the outside means ugly on the inside but that isn't true. There were girls that were nice to me and they were pretty and ugly girls that were very mean. Just look at old people's homes and a lot of those young nurses are often very cute and they are often times very nice. Same with handicapped help, and I know, they come here. Wow! But they always have a damn ring on their finger or talk about their kids. It sucks! ;)


And my brother was the worst! The biggest a-hole around. He treated them like dirt! But they didn't care, followed him through the whole town when we where shopping as a family, driving us crazy, freaking stalker chicks. And my brother would massacre them, tell them the most horrible things and they would go away crying but would be there the next time. I just don't understand for the life of me how that works. I can't get a woman to even be nice to me (in a loving way) and he can treat them like dirt and they still want him and I am the most honest and loyal gentleman in town and they don't give me the light of day. Even when I meet former classmates now they don't recognize me but they ask me if I am that kid with the handsome brother and how my brother is doing. Jesus H Christ! Are these girls sick!? 16 years later and they still are in love with him...


In the end, I am now the most handsome of the 2. Lots of people have told me that. But most of the time that is how it goes. Pretty doesn't always stay pretty. They get older and some get old in a good way and he didn't.


Still, I love my brother to bits and have always been loyal to him. People should have never done any of this. It is shameful to break a kid or young adult like that. To stomp him through the ground. And I even have autism, I didn't understand a thing about what was going on. They should be ashamed of themselves.


I told this to a psychiatrist once, he told me that people are like Spartans, they want to throw the weakest links off the mountain, only Spartans did it out of respect, but people just want rid of them. And because they can't, they just do these kinds of things. Bullying, torturing, harassing and just non-stop humiliating. It is in the nature of the beast and it will never stop. What he said made me cry because it is very sad. The story I told him was severe but he has heard similar ones many times and it never stops.


Best thing is to ignore and just believe in yourself and your own views. Be a wolf, not a sheep. I hope to steal back the self-esteem they took from me one day because another thing we humans are good at is rebuilding.

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Mmmmmm I guess 6, I think I'm a decent looking cat but I have the figure of a 14 year old, girls don't like that, I also don't have the best skin from my adderall days. Oh and my teeth are god awful I'm so fucking ashamed of them. The one girl I sexted always told me I was hot which is why I was so quick to send her nudes/sent her so many, I liked the attention I was such a whore for it. I never experienced anything like it before it was so fucking flattering:embarrassed:I have very low self esteem too so that meant the world to me. If I took better care of myself and my body I think I could be very good looking not to sound like a pompous ass but I truly believe that, hopefully I'll prove myself right one day.

7 minutes ago, Loyal Wolf said:

There were girls always over, the prettiest girls and they ignored me like the plague. Hated me. Why? I was such a nice kid. Always with the hate and the superiority complexes. It's ridiculous! And most of these girls and women had IQ's that never got above 3 digits. So many narcissistic girls, ridiculous. They always say, pretty on the outside means ugly on the inside but that isn't true. There were girls that were nice to me and they were pretty and ugly girls that were very mean. Just look at old people's homes and a lot of those young nurses are often very cute and they are often times very nice. Same with handicapped help, and I know, they come here. Wow! But they always have a damn ring on their finger or talk about their kids. It sucks! ;)

Me too cuz my friends always brought pretty girls over (ones that already had bf's tho) but even the single ones waned nothing to do with me and girls were quick to come over when others invited them cuz my house was like the only house you could weed smoke inside of in high school. I always tried to be super nice, it's almost like they don't respect you for doing so which is so stupid (not speaking on all women, just the ones I've encountered, I do come from the degenerate hedonistic crowd). All my friends keep telling me shit like there's no such thing as nice girls or all girls are the devil and I'm so sick of it maybe the ones you surround yourself with cuz you come from circles of scumbags just like me but I was in a lot honors classes with goodie two shoes girls in high school up until 11th and some of these girls couldn't even get a guy to look at them and some of them were actually really cute too, if only I wasn't so self-deprecating/had an even lower self esteem than I have now back in those days. And this girl that liked me in middle school was the sweetest thing on earth I really fucked up with her she fell right in my lap and I still said no easily my biggest regret in life.


14 minutes ago, Loyal Wolf said:

And my brother was the worst! The biggest a-hole around. He treated them like dirt! But they didn't care, followed him through the whole town when we where shopping as a family, driving us crazy, freaking stalker chicks. And my brother would massacre them, tell them the most horrible things and they would go away crying but would be there the next time. I just don't understand for the life of me how that works. I can't get a woman to even be nice to me (in a loving way) and he can treat them like dirt and they still want him and I am the most honest and loyal gentleman in town and they don't give me the light of day. Even when I meet former classmates now they don't recognize me but they ask me if I am that kid with the handsome brother and how my brother is doing. Jesus H Christ! Are these girls sick!? 16 years later and they still are in love with him...

I see this all too often too, guess that's what it's like when you're good looking. I mean to be fully honest I'd let a bunch of shit slide if the girl was that pretty unless she was flat out disloyal I can handle insensitivity but that's only cuz nobody even gives me a chance in the first place. Both sexes let attractive people from the opposite sex treat them as if they're less than human all too often it's sick. The girl I was sexting whom I fell super hard for wasn't the best looking girl but she had some really nice features and I really liked her for her more than anything it's a shame she had such low self esteem in herself I feel like I could've helped her with that. She was really into dancing and was losing a lot of weight doing it too for all I know she could look absolutely gorgeous now but that's besides the point. The greatest thing about human beings is their ability to change themselves so hopefully I can find some solace in that like she was doing. I just hope I didn't fuck my body up too badly from my days of completely disregarding every single aspect of my health and only focusing on getting as high as I possibly could, even at the age of 20 I can feel some lifelong after effects and I'll tell you they suck ass and I'm 99% sure I'm stuck with a bunch of them for life. Don't end up like me, stay strong. I'm slowly picking up the pieces and it's so fucking hard especially cuz I was already so far from having shit figured out before I completely fell apart.


Do you prefer to confide in a psychiatrist/mental professional or a really close friend/family member?

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Wanted to say about the message from @DabDeity710, I like my women all sizes, big, middle, thin. Give me a BBW or a little Asian girl, I like them both. I ain't picky. But a personality is where it's at. Not nice is a no go. She can leave the second she isn't nice. Rather have an ugly woman with a good heart than a pretty woman who is a bitch. Never will I let myself be treated without respect. A relation is about equality, honesty and respect. I want a woman who accepts me for who I am and appreciates me for who I am. If she doesn't, no matter how pretty she is, my house and heart is not open to her, ever!


@DabDeity710, you are a lot younger than me and you really have to learn this. There has to be some attraction of course but never let physical and love intertwine. They are separate things. Most people see physical as love and that is a big mistake. Real love, goes much deeper. I was so in love with someone, who told me she was asexual and I accepted that she was and was willing to give up having sex with her, that was how much I loved her. I hope that shows a little bit what love is. 30 minutes a day (later a week) does not make a relationship my friend, character does.


How I am a hopeless romantic :embarrassed: , I would literally do everything for my love. And I mean ANYTHING!


1 hour ago, DabDeity710 said:

Do you prefer to confide in a psychiatrist/mental professional or a really close friend/family member?


I have what they call comorbide problems or in simple language 2 or more problems that make each other worse. Professionals can't handle that and so let people like me stand in the rain. It is shameless, disgusting and just plain cruel. I can't get a psychologist, therapist, you name it. They all give the same excuse. "Your problems are too complicated and we can't help you". So people like me, and there are a lot, have to just deal with it alone. And talking with family about serious traumatic events and stuff like that, a no go. Wouldn't recommend it. A wall, mirror or a dog, works wonders though.


Next question: What is your favorite animal?

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2 minutes ago, Loyal Wolf said:


I have what they call comorbide problems or in simple language 2 or more problems that make each other worse. Professionals can't handle that and so let people like me stand in the rain. It is shameless, disgusting and just plain cruel. I can't get a psychologist, therapist, you name it. They all give the same excuse. "Your problems are too complicated and we can't help you". So people like me, and there are a lot, have to just deal with it alone. And talking with family about serious traumatic events and stuff like that, a no go. Wouldn't recommend it. A wall, mirror or a dog, works wonders though.


Next question: What is your favorite animal?

Damn bro I'm so sorry to hear that. That's really fucked up that all the mental "professionals" are like "we're not good enough at our jobs to solve your problems you're unfixable go fuck yourself" I understand what you mean about family sometimes my dad's good to talk but sometimes he just plain doesn't get it. For me I have one friend who's both good at listening and understanding. All my other friends in "real life" or life outside the web or whatever you wanna call it are complete trash except for 2 and ones horrible with this kind of stuff, actually they both are but ones like completely useless. The other's an excellent listener but he has no ability to understand he basically just says "dude stop being a bitch" cuz he plain doesn't get it. But with the mental "professionals" for me they try to finish my sentences like they know my story before I even tell it and they're always completely wrong and since they think they know my story before I even tell it they completely ignore it but as fucked up as they are the ones you've dealt with sound even worse. It's sick how well paid those fuckers are, how many of them actually help their patients?


Favorite animal? Hmmmm I'll go with cats. I fucking hated my mom's cats cuz they just knocked all my shit over/around and got hair on every fucking thing I owned my selfish mother got them for herself not caring how much literally everyone else hated their guts and she let them run rampant all over/through everyone else's shit and didn't even clean up after them. I fucking love all my friends cats tho. Cats are so friendly. They're really playful too. Cats have a pretty good gig, they just eat, sleep, shit, and chill all day (kinda like mexD:P). I'm thinking about getting a cat cuz I'm so fucking lonely I think it'd do me a lot of good. I just hope I'd be a good caretaker for it I haven't done the best job of taking care of myself throughout my life.


What's your favorite game?

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  • 3 weeks later...
17 hours ago, Moodkiller said:

Husky's are awesome. Cold weather is awesome. Win win.


Amen! :big_smile:


On 20-7-2017 at 1:37 PM, DabDeity710 said:

Hey man where ya been?


Mostly in bed with pain and feeling like shit.


On 20-7-2017 at 1:37 PM, DabDeity710 said:

Are you a waffle person or a pancake person?


Pancakes all the way!


New question!


What is your least favorite thing to eat?

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1 minute ago, DabDeity710 said:

Like the food I hate the most or my least favorite food that I'm still willing to eat?


Both! Let's make it a nice rant ;)


I don't like meat and fish, also a reason why I am a vegetarian (main reason my love for nature of course). Otherwise, most things aren't that awful. My migraine medication is horrible, I have to inhale it through the nose and then it comes in the mouth and it stays for like 15 minutes and it sucks! You also have cough medicine that just tastes like crap and some that is quite nice. For the older people among us, that blubber stuff is horrible what they gave you when you where sick in the past! That is by far the most disgusting thing ever! I also had apples that tasted like shit. Kiwi is also quite rancid. And I can't drink coffee or milk, it just tastes disgusting. Have tried learning to drink it, but I really start puking when I drink it. As a kid I didn't like any vegetables at all but now, I don't mind them at all. Strange how that works, they literally made me puke. It wasn't necessarily the vegetables but the potatoes, I also hated french fries. I still don't really like french fries that much but have learned to eat them.


I remember this kid at my school who didn't like chocolate. He really had to puke when he tasted it, and as the awful kids we were, we tested it ;) . Was so strange. How can you not like chocolate?

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2 minutes ago, Loyal Wolf said:

My migraine medication is horrible, I have to inhale it through the nose and then it comes in the mouth and it stays for like 15 minutes and it sucks!

Ughhhhhh my nose spray is the same, as someone who's done some "real drugs" I can honestly say the shit tastes just as bad as some hard drugs I've had like ecstasy for example and I've never had any sort of medication that tasted as bad as any hard drugs I've ever had before.


4 minutes ago, Loyal Wolf said:

You also have cough medicine that just tastes like crap and some that is quite nice.

It tastes a lot better when you mix it with a sprite (drug users do this bcuz drinking as much cough syrup as they would straight would make them puke, some even put Jolly Ranchers and gummy bears in them to make them tastes better, if you ask me mixing it with sprite makes it sugary enough).

6 minutes ago, Loyal Wolf said:

And I can't drink coffee or milk, it just tastes disgusting. Have tried learning to drink it, but I really start puking when I drink it.

Coffee black is fucking disgusting. I also think coffee with milk is fucking disgusting it needs coffee creamer (and too much or too little coffee creamer is also disgusting). Milk is ehh, never drank regular milk growing up I fucking hated it when I was a little kid but regular ass milk is okay now I guess. Vanilla milk is really fucking good. I used to go ape shit over chocolate milk but now it's ehh.


14 minutes ago, Loyal Wolf said:

As a kid I didn't like any vegetables at all but now, I don't mind them at all. Strange how that works, they literally made me puke.

I was the same as a kid but for me nothing's changed, they're still as disgusting as ever to mexD

16 minutes ago, Loyal Wolf said:

I remember this kid at my school who didn't like chocolate. He really had to puke when he tasted it, and as the awful kids we were, we tested it ;) . Was so strange. How can you not like chocolate?

Actually I was never a huge fan of chocolate either. Sometimes I used to like it in the smallest of amounts. Ever since I started making weed edibles I started to completely despise it too from having to constantly eat it all the fucking time. Even with me making waffles now I still despise chocolate.


I'm an incredibly picky eater. There's a lot of stuff that I absolutely fucking hate and refuse to eat. I already mentioned my complete aversion to vegetables. Least favorite food that I eat would probably be salami I guess, so fucking greasy, when compared to other meat I think it's kind of icky. American cheese too, comes on every piece of meat that comes with cheese on top no matter where you get it from (ESPECIALLY burgers and sandwiches) and it's by far the shittiest cheese there is (well I don't like cream cheese but other than that this). Least favorite food period would be onions, ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:electric_shock:my dad fucking loves them too so I can usually smell whatever he's eating from across the room and I fucking hate it so much, the last apartment we were in before this house had THE worst ventilation I'm pretty sure it was illegal and should be condemned so I was able to smell it across the house from my room as if it was right under my nose it was the worst.



Mentally I'm in the worst possible place atm so for the next question I'll go with: What do you think is your best coping mechanism?

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