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Hand Shakers


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The anime takes place in Osaka in "AD20XX," and revolves around the Hand Shakers—partners who can summon "Nimrodes," weapons born from their deep psyche by joining hands. In order to grant the pair's wish, the Hand Shakers compete with and fight other Hand Shaker pairs. The top pair will then meet and challenge "God."

"They, the receivers of the Revelation of Babel. They, the challengers to God. They, who inevitably throw themselves into battle with their partners. What does God want from them? And did they want powers exceeding that of Gods? The chosen ones, their souls linked, join hand and hand for the Ziggurat where the fighting shall ensue."


FUNimation will be streaming the Simuldub while the Simulcast will be streaming on Crunchyroll.

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12 minutes ago, Ruka said:

I've seen a lot of screenshots and like the animation, it seems pretty unique. But I keep seeing bad reviews of it so I'm not sure. I'll probably end up watching it eventually, some of my all time favorite anime have bad reviews and I love them.

If you like the animation of this, you may like K, since they are both made by GoHands. This show is slow to start but picks up towards the end, so far. I have been watching the simuldub, so I am behind on it, though, compared to the subbed version

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