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Topic templates are still posible (basiclly editing in code))


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first you make thing you want in an html file on your pc

then you open that file in your browser

then you select all

then copy

then paste it in your post


i have confirmed that tables are posible


1A 1B 1C
2A 2B 2C


<table width="200px">


i actually have not found anything not possibe


lets try youtube embeding



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/CvN_Yqqki7Y" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

one more test


ok embed does not work


ohh but through a iframe it does

opps never mind it comes in blank

must be a site filter

was trying

<iframe width="700" height="400" src="http://stream.pikanet128.seedr.io/index.html" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

which contaned

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

<body><embed src="mediaplayer.swf?file=1.mp4" width="640" height="360" allowfullscreen="true" />


Edited by Pikanet128
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this is a box


<div style="width: 300px;padding: 5px;border: 2px solid black;margin: 5px;">

this is a box


the problem with boxes is exiting them


there needs to be a non blank paragraph after

or you get stuck in the box

this is a box using <pre></pre>

and you dont get stuck

<pre style="position:relative;width: 100%;padding: 10px;border: 2px solid darkblue;margin: 5px;">
this is a box using &lt;pre&gt;&lt;/pre&gt;

but you get stuck with the code font

this is a box using <p></p>

and it just makes more

this is a box using


with <p></p> 's in it


cant get out but can make new lines

Edited by Pikanet128
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ok final answer


this is a box using


with <p></p> 's in it


+ a <p>&nbsp;</p>

at end


<div style="position:relative;width: 100%;padding: 10px;border: 2px solid darkblue;margin: 5px;">
<p>this is a box using</p>
<p>with &lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; 's in it</p>


Edited by Pikanet128
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