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Avatar Uploads Bugged


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Just a heads up to let you know that we DO know about this issue and are looking into it.

Also to let you know how you can still get your avatar to work.


If you try to upload the avatar directly it fails.

If you try to import it from another site it works.

If you try to just link it from another site it works.


So it only doesn't work if you try to upload it directly from your PC. I don't understand why this doesn't work if the import from another site does; but we are looking into getting this bug resolved.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! In my case, I can't get avatar even trying to import/link from another site.

I don't know if there are others with the same problem but just wanted to inform. Greetings!

Because you had 0 posts before this post.

0 post users don't have the ability to edit/change their avatar.


Let me know if you still have an issue now.

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25 minutes ago, HirokaskiVa said:

I had to re-register which was a pain  but i'm a little upset i had to again.  Any idea on when i can put an avatar up on my profile?

You shouldn't have had to re-register. All accounts were kept intact. The difference being your Display Name became your login name. However you can still login via your email address as well.


As for avatars; it's extremely silly to post in an OLD thread, when the NEWEST topic is talking about how they're fixed.  -_-

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