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Downloads Section is for Downloads not Streaming Links


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I just want to clarify that the Downloads Section is for threads with downloads (it's in the name, come on).


Don't post threads with links to streaming sites/services. If you want to link to 'official' streaming services that's fine but your thread must have downloads in order to exist there.


We do not support unofficial streaming services/sites. Linking to sites made by people uploading thousands of videos to streaming services and embedding them on their sites loaded full of advertisements (many of which are often virus infested) just to make tons of money off those visiting their site is not allowed. We blacklist links to such sites when we discover them here.


I'm making this topic in hope that people will actually read it and stop making threads in the Downloads section that do nothing more than link to streaming sites. It's called 'Downloads' for a reason. Okay, thanks.

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