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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Cause honestly I'm getting tired of getting screwed over by random pair ups with people who can't play, ass-hats, and people who don't speak my language.

I have only been playing since the end of August but I have improved greatly. I'm lv 29 right now.

I'm looking for polite, fun, and decent players.

Username: Em0 Death

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

not had the honor of playing zyra oh and my username is Minkseru not Namika use both rather frequently thus the confusion. mayhaps we should on the front list everyone's username who has listed one thus far.

Aight, is there any one that's still active that plays League of Legends? If so, then feel free to add me. My IGN is Zancos. I don't care what level you are, or what champion you play. I just want people to have fun with.

Alrighty, sent you two friend requests! If anyone else wants to play with me just send me a message or something. (I'm on NA server)
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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to revive an old thread, but I figured it was better than starting a new one with the same name. (Is there a rule regarding this?)


I love League of Legends! My username is Shadowken42 feel free to add me! Are there people here to still play?

I would say I am pretty decent at the game. I main top, mid, and ADC. I have an okay champion pool and I am definitely always looking to improve on the game. 

Did any of you catch the All Star competition? I'm not surprised Korea won since their gameplay and mechanics are beyond comprehension at this point. They just played so well as a team. I definitely rooted for the North American team though and I'm glad they at least got to beat the European LCS team. Some highlights were probably Doublelift and Xpecial's quick victory in the 2v2 tournament as well as Doublelift's pentakill. I'm always watching streams and the LCS.


Well, sorry for the semi-long post haha. I'd talk a lot more but this will have to do for now.


TLDR; Username: Shadowken42 / All Stars competition was well executed and very fun to watch.

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Madlife was amazing! He killed it on Thresh, no wonder everyone was calling him GODLife haha


On a side note, what do you think of the support role as a whole? I usually play with my friend duo bot and he supports me, wards everywhere and makes great plays that lead to kills. I tried supporting before but I feel like there is just too much of a difference than other aggressive roles. Same thing with jungling. I feel like I fall behind level-wise and that I cant do as much damage as if I went top, mid, or ADC. I guess I just have more fun when I'm the one to rely on with the damage.


I'll add you when I get on which will probably be later today, unless you get on first and decide to add me :P

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Haha. I can't jungle at all. I find that if I try to gank, I'll usually fail and fall behind. And if I don't gank, I fall behind anyway. A good jungler has a BIG advantage over an average jungler. Anyway, you asked me about supports! not junglers!

I find a support CAN'T do good without an AD to match him. On the other hand, an AD can still do good without a support, but needs one to do great. That is to say. In higher level games they're just as important as the ADC, but as the skill-cap drops they lose their importance. That being said, I'm sure if madlife or aphromoo (or whoever) dropped to a low-skill game, they can still carry as a support, so it's not that they're redundant. Just that it's harder to create an impact with them.

(Sorry for Wall of Text)

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Yeah, supports are just as important because they can impact the outcome of teamfights by making the right plays, such as Sona's crescendo to initiate teamfights, or when getting initiated upon. The thing is that I find it more fun when I'm the one doing the damage rather than supporting my team. I tend to concentrate heavily on farming and getting as much cs as I can so I can keep up in the game in case I get ganked, but of course I'm there when team fights happen and I just find myself so much further ahead that way. I just started playing ranked so I'm still kinda new to the whole competitive scene (working my way out of bronze, doesnt seem to be too hard) although watching streamers and tournaments definitely helped me improve.


I usually just play normals with friends for fun though so I'm not really too competitive when it comes to winning. 

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