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Just something that pissed me off yesterday.


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So, I work as a Dog Trainer in a pet supply store. I help people with general questions and shopping and run dog training classes daily. I had a woman come in looking for a food her new puppy would eat. She told me she bought him from a guy she buys most of her animals from. (She gave examples like donkeys and chickens)


The dog had stopped eating completely the past 4 days she said, then she added the poor pup throws up even after drinking some water.


So I of course told her that she needs to take the puppy to a vet asap. To which she replied with,

"I'm not spending 200 dollars at the vet on this dog, I don't have the money. The guy guaranteed the puppy so I can take the puppy back to him, but I know he will euthanize the puppy if I do."


It was so hard to keep my composure in front of this bitch. I even slipped and and called the guy she bought the puppy from a piece of shit. I told her that taking care of the dog includes the vet bills and it was her responsibility to take him to the vet. She just kept saying she couldn't afford it.


To anyone wanting to adopt any animal, especially dogs, cats, or any animal with a long life span, think about what that actually means. I see way too many idiots get a puppy or a kitten and get rid of them as soon as they become a burden.


You need to know that if you get a pet, especially a baby, it's a long term commitment. You will be responsible for that animal all it's life. Realize that if you get a puppy, it cost about 60 dollars for good food, 100-150 for a crate, 20-40 for cleaning supplies, hundreds in vet bills (and that's just the required vaccinations, even more for anytime your animal gets sick or injured. WHICH WILL HAPPEN).


You also have to take time to care for the animal, you can't just lock it up in a crate all it's life. That's not right.


People please think about what you're getting yourself into before adopting or buying an animal.




Edited by Lulu
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I know how you feel. I get irritated by the way people talk about their pets, let alone the way they treat them. I remember having to sit in on a conversation about euthanizing a dog because it bit the guy that kicked him.
"Oh, it's such a violent dog. Piece of shit needs to be put down."
Grabbing the foot that KICKED IT IN THE FACE doesn't make it an aggressive dog. Poor thing had a swollen eye and a cut on its nose from the metal in the boot! And it was a lovely dog. Great with kids. And it didn't put up any kind of fuss when I treated the injuries on its face. 
I ended up suggesting they let me find a new home for it. To which they objected. To which I gave them no choice. Took the dog without really asking. They were going to shoot it in the backyard. From my perspective, you forfeit ownership at that point.

Although, I have to say, vet bills are absurd. I would never not take my animal to the vet because of them... but I can't stand being charged $200 for nothing. It's the same when I go to the doctor... they charge you for their good company or something... not for treating you.
I've taken care of animals all my life. I can typically identify what's wrong with a cat or dog if it's a common problem. In the very least, I know what it's not. When I can diagnose my cat faster than a vet can, it irritates me to no end. 

Oh and let's not forget the dog I lost because of vet incompetence. She was a foster puppy that my family eventually adopted. Had health issues from the start (they found her and her brother in a garbage bag with a bunch of their dead litter-mates. i shouldn't state what i would do to the person who left them like that).  
Anyway, she started screaming whenever she went to the bathroom. Stopped gaining weight. Her personality never changed, but it was obvious she was sick. Her coat suffered too. We took her to the vet on multiple occasions. You know what they said?
"There's nothing wrong with her. She's just constipated." They didn't even bother to examine her properly because "there was no point" they said she was acting healthy and happy and that the hair loss was probably just an allergic reaction to fleas. Vet bill? $170 for flea shit and for telling us nothing was wrong.
Had I been there, someone would've ended up unemployed or worse. We took her to another vet.
They prescribed meds that helped the symptoms for a while, but she was still sick. 
After she died, we allowed them to do a post-mortem exam... It's their belief she had cancer. A stomach cancer, if I remember correctly. Didn't much care at that point.

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I'm a vet tech and we hear stories like these all the time. One of my favorites was these people who brought in two new kittens that they had just adopted, and when we asked them if they wanted to do the kittens' vaccines they replied, "Actually we're being evicted, so we can't afford the vaccines right now." What.

I understand that times are hard, financially, and that sometimes stuff happens. But there are people who believe that they're 'rescuing' these pets, but then can't afford basic care for them. And that's frustrating.

I'm really sorry to hear about what happened to your dog, Rabbit. Being in the profession, it makes me sick to hear things like that. :c

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  • 1 month later...

It makes me sick when people don't take care of their pets, in the local news recently someone got a kitten, wrapped a wire around it's front and back paws and chucked it in a glass bottle recycling bin, I was outraged when I heard the news, thankfully the lil kitten was saved when the store clerk heard it crying, she got the maintance guy to open the bin padlock, she called bluecross (i think it's called) it's a pet charity, the lil kitten recovered and is well in a new home

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