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A pleasure to meet everyone here, Names Crim, Crimson, Joker, or CJ, which ever yall prefer. I love anime...always have...ever since I first saw DBZ Dead Zone at the young age of 7. Loved that movie more than anything. Ever since those days Ive come to enjoy the shows and movies with more appreciation of their creation as well as their art work. Anime will always be a favorite of mine, and when I do finally have my own children I will show them all the anime I grew up with and I hope they will enjoy the epicness of it as much as I have. Hope to talk to yall soon, Peacies

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Welcome to Kametsu Forums! I hope you continue to enjoy your stay here. Where you can discuss many things with other members such as your favorite Anime, Video Games, Music, Books, Movies.. etc.. you can post your graphics if you make any.. or fan art and fan fiction.. the possibilities are endless!

Also if you download any anime, please be sure to post a thank you in the thread to the uploader. It not only shows your appreciation for their hard work but also shows that people are actually downloading their uploads. I hate having to say that all the time, but we get a lot of people who spam to gain access then never ever post again.

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