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Hey peeps!


I'm really liking the new forum... good thing I visited the other one before it was gone, I would have never been able to find it again... then would have probably committed suicide... jk


Anyways its been 3 or 4 years since I was last on C-W and now I come to this new and improved (I guess) Forum.



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Hey peeps!


I'm really liking the new forum... good thing I visited the other one before it was gone, I would have never been able to find it again... then would have probably committed suicide... jk


Anyways its been 3 or 4 years since I was last on C-W and now I come to this new and improved (I guess) Forum.



Hi AnimeSaw!

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Hey and Welcome :) This isn't the C-W :P Its a different site but everyone on C-W are abandoning ship and joining Kametsu.

Yeah, thats what I heard... too bad because it was a great site.




Hi AnimeSaw!



Hey! nice to see a familiar name... unless you are just named like the one on C-W by coincidence ;)



Welcome to the forum, I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.


Thank you, I bet I will!

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Hi AnimeSaw!



Hey! nice to see a familiar name... unless you are just named like the one on C-W by coincidence ;)


It's me, lol. I own Kametsu, among other random sites.


That's cool!!! I never knew that... I knew you were an admin over there but never that you had another site... I really never went into finding any other sites after C-W. Well at least you are you if you know what I mean. 

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Hi AnimeSaw, welcome to these forums! It's sure a lucky break you found these forums again before C-W went down, or we wouldn't have a new awesome person around here amongst all the other new awesome people :3


Thank you, I bet I will have a great time in here as well as I did back at C-W :)



Welcome to Kametsu AnimeSaw, we've never talked much before, but I am thrilled to see another familiar face on here.

Ha yeah, maybe its time we change that.. I was always around the graphics section of the site and never really commented on anything else thats why... and I actually was on the forum just for the competitions not even the downloads... not to say I never downloaded anything because I did.

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