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Started the Insanity workout


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So I just started the Insanity workout. Im pretty sure alot of members on my facebook has seen updates everyday of my progress with the program. My goal by the start of november is to be around 150lbs. I started September 3rd since it was a monday which was a good starting point with the Inhsnaity calender.

Trust me, this is not a workout for whimps. This is literally insane. Im surprised im already on day 11 after tonight, since I do all my workouts before I go to bed. If I do them in the after noon I'll be too tired to go to work. So when I started I weighed around 183, and after 10 days i'm already down to 175ish. I think that's amazing.

My real goal in doing this workout is so I can finally get into serious cosplays. Im already saving money up to buy a Kiba Ranger (White Ranger) from Dai Ranger (MMPR). Because fat people in spandex never looks good. So every week I'll post an update on how things are going and at day 60 ill post a before and after picture.

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A few people I've worked with and some friends have done the Insanity workout. For the most part they've said they liked it and/or thought it was effective, but it's not something they would continue to do long term.

How is it for you working out so late in the day? I'm used to do any exercising in the morning, usually before I shower or brush my teeth.

I might give it a shot once my roommate's girlfriend leaves because I don't like it when people watch me work out. As LSP would say, "Oh, my Glob! Yes! I'm gonna be so hot! So freakin' hot!"

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Well for me, its better doing it night time because if I do it in the afternoon i'll be too tired before work. So after I get off work I do the workout and then shower and get on xbox live haha. But so far after 15 days im already feeling alot better than what I did before I started the program. But the first month is nothing compared to what month two is with the max workouts.

If you decide to do it, always give it your 100%. I know Im trying my best to do the pushup jacks and moving pushups, but I really have no upperbody strenght at all haha. So every night I try my best and I guess im doing a good job because im in a puddle of sweat after each workout.

I just really want to wear my size 32 pants again before the holidays; Wearing size 34 stuff is really not doing it for me. But this is what I get for eating fast food every day. But so far not eating anything like that for the past 15 days is really showing some progress. Ive been pacing my eating times and taking in smaller portions.

Now after every workout he says to drink your recovery formula. Now there are some alternatives to that. I read that chocolate milk is a good way to replace the recovery forumla since their stuff is like $40 a container. So chocalate milk is perfect foe me since it has what your body needs after every workout.

Im just glad every sunday its a day off so I can relax haha.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i never did like having my shirt off because i was fat. but here is an update from insanity so far. lost 14 lbs in 33 days. i know its not much but hell i have to say im feeling much better than before i started the program. no more fast food for me :D thanks again everyone for the support so far


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Good luck man! I tried that workout a while back and I think I tore something in my leg because I was limping for months after. Making sure to stretch every day is probably the best advice I can give you. Don't wan't to end up tearing something and then not being able to work out at all.

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