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Woo im back baby ;)


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Ah finally back on here stupid server crap *kick's Bucket*

when I get paid tonight i'm going to donate some cash to help out were i can

and ile get to be a Donator :)

But seeing this is my first post i will include my interest's and stuff again

I am 22 year's old and work as a Sales Assistant in a Liquor store

I Live in Australia

I came past Kametsu from randomly searching things on Google ^^;;

My Top 5 Anime's would be FMA, Evangellion, Gundam Wing, Genshiken and Hellsing Ultimate

My Top 5 Video Games are Final Fantasy 7, Metal gear solid ,Devil May Cry,Guitar hero 3 and CIV 5

My Hobbies are Travelling,Partying, Drinking, Building computers

I have no GFX Experience :/

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