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Hi, vampireheart! Here are the forum rules in case you missed them. I'm not aware of any rank systems or clans in place currently, but if that's something you're interested in, you could bring it up and see who else fancies the idea.

If you have any questions, just ask any of the mods and we'll help you out! I hope you enjoy your stay!

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Hey guys, thanks for the warm welcome feels good to be here! well I will give the rules a read and hopefully follow the rules carefully. So you want to know about me? well I will have to update my profile on here also. I am 21 years old I live in essex, united kingdom and I love anime and my gf and I work online and at home. I am a nice guy and also like rock music and alternative music and some metal aswell as other types of music to. But anime is the best thing and I am thankful for it tbh I love dragonball,z,gt and naruto and bleach and I like many other animes also

I would like to bring ranks and clans to this site I used to be in one of them before in a previous site also I have been from wrestling forums before I also like wrestling

Best band is H.I.M

I have been on many forums and never fitted in or been kicked off for stupid reasons so I hope ill stay here

So yeah dudes and dudetes feel free to tell me about yourself and thanks again for welcome

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