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Random Talk.

Talena Mae

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This is random talk so I can do this right?


WHO IN THE H*** DOES THAT!? And how do they do it without being detected? I can't understand people sometimes... Is there like some secret society that gives honor to the members who can lay a dump down within a certain radius of a non-inebriated person without being noticed? I mean... I've found poops on the road and sidewalks before, but in stores...??? Da faq??

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I like how some of the comments immediately start putting the blame on capitalism and big business. Maybe it is because shit rolls downhill, that because people who work in retail are treated like shit and therefore treat customers like shit, customers who then start taking it literally and shit in the stores. (That's a bit of a leap for me, but I guess there's enough people out there who think defecating places is a totally legit behaviour if pressed enough.)

But it's annoying that people think corporations are apparently staffed by robots and magic pixies instead of actual people. Or that they don't realise the people who have to clean it up aren't the people they're most mad at, but rather the people in lower income brackets just trying to make ends meet same as them. It really does seem to me like a bunch of passive aggressive behaviour, people trying to come off as the victim when they're actually the aggressors.

And some of the comments seem to indicate this isn't limited to retail/Black Friday madness, given the number of Phantom/Mad Shitter stories from people who were in the Navy and from various colleges.

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I know it's horrible, but I couldn't help but laugh at the article. I'd never do something like that, and don't understand why someone else would, though in the case with the diaper, I would not be surprised if some of those trash bags "mysteriously" vanished from the dumpster, and the contents cleaned very thoroughly once taken home. Once they throw it out, it's not stealing. Thus, no indictable crime. (Unless they can prove who left the diaper, in which case they could get a ticket for littering, but that's a stretch.)

On another note.. I have come to love Netflix. Been watching White Collar on it, and caught up on a lot that I missed. Love it. ^^

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My friend watches similarly old stuff on netflix too ^^. He decided that instead of fighting netflix's terrible selection of new stuff, he would go search for old stuff he loved that not very many people liked to watch anymore (e.g. Power Rangers), and Voila he found just about everything he looked for. It was thus that he turned netflix's weakness into its strength ^^;.

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Eugh, Christmas stories. I know t'is the season, but knowing my luck, the person I'm paired with is one of those people who hates Christmas and calls people bloodmouths, haha. I'll see if inspiration strikes while I'm at the library today, otherwise I'm just going mosey on to some random generators and see if I roll anything I like.

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You mean random generator like http://nine.frenchboys.net/ < that?

OOOOOR you could totally write a story about writing a story about a girl whose writing a story about Christmas :D. And you'd do it from the perspective of the last girl. That way they can't complain because it's not a Christmas story. It's just a story about writing a story that has some "Christmas" themes. Then you launch into an explanation of how Christmas is a social construct and how really you can apply whatever themes you want to the holiday if you so wish. Therefore, the themes you wrote about could be considered part of a New Years celebration in your story, and the reader is the idiot who's putting the Christmas spin on it. Then you go and accuse the reader of unfairly attributing themes that aren't related to Christmas to Christmas and therefore expanding the Christmas universe which goes completely against all that the person is trying to do. Then you smack them up side the head and tell them Merry Christmas!!!

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so yesterday i was watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and it was the time they were stuck in an infinite time loop because this bitch Haruhi wasn't satisfied even though she did so many activities during their summer break from school and must i say the amount of episodes it took just to carry on with the story was so fucking annoying ( because 7 episodes or so were of the SAME thing, same script, same everything, thus 7 episodes were nothing but a loop!!!) that i nearly deleted the series as a result (luckily i like the series). Thank god i didn't watch all the episodes it took to do so as i just skipped to the ending to find the answer (which i figured out a long time ago!!)

Edited by Kyle_Dimetri_09
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I actually liked the Endless 8. I decided to marathon the 8 episodes (longest I've ever marathoned something) and I found it to be quite fun picking out the subtle differences in each episode.

It also gave me a greater appreciation for the way Yuki acts. Our mere 200 minutes of inconvenience pale in comparison to the torture she went through with having to go through it for thousands of days.

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I actually liked the Endless 8. I decided to marathon the 8 episodes (longest I've ever marathoned something) and I found it to be quite fun picking out the subtle differences in each episode.

It also gave me a greater appreciation for the way Yuki acts. Our mere 200 minutes of inconvenience pale in comparison to the torture she went through with having to go through it for thousands of days.

So you and Yuki voluntarily decide to go through the same torture.

Edited by Kyle_Dimetri_09
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It's just weird because it's between two letters. This is causing me distress.


I put away children's DVDs today. It was horrible and I never want to do it again. On the upside, my sort-of supervisor was like, "Why don't you just get a job here? Oh wait, then you'll take my job. Never mind. Basically I am saying you are doing good work and we appreciate you."


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