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Talena Mae

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I've only recently come to like writing fiction stuff (I have no idea if I write well or not since I don't write for an audience ^^;). However, that "hobby" if you want to call it that takes a back seat to anything tech :P. In a choice between learning a new programming language (like ruby) and finishing up that short story I started months ago, ruby wins. I guess I'm fated to forever make little quips like I do for the RPG thread :P.

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i feel like i have been ignoring my writing the past 6 months, to be completely honest it's mostly because of tafe, stress and time. I have been at tafe 4 days a week so I am busy, i have been stressed with tafe and life and money so i can't think creatively and i never seem to have any time between tafe and stress to sit down and write.

if i could have a month of not doing anything, I think I would sit down and write like there was no tomorrow, but we all know that's not going to happen anytime soon

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A lot of people who do NaNo usually don't have the whole month to do it, haha. Writing every day is certainly a difficult habit to build and one I still haven't built.

I'm just getting out of a dark period of hating everything I write. It is a sharp contrast to my rampant and irreverent creative stylings as a teenager and younger. The cringe factor I experienced after looking back at my old stuff was enough to turn me off to my creativity for a while.

Also I think one of the people I see at the write-ins I go to hates me, but I can't tell if that's just a case of chronic bitch face on either of our parts or if she legit doesn't like me for some reason. I find I don't make a good impression on teenaged females and I don't know why.

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Also I think one of the people I see at the write-ins I go to hates me, but I can't tell if that's just a case of chronic bitch face on either of our parts or if she legit doesn't like me for some reason. I find I don't make a good impression on teenaged females and I don't know why.

i think maybe it's just a chronic bitch face on her part, I mean, who could hate the lovely EO? it is illogical

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Haha, that'd be a weird conversation. I don't even know how I would phrase it without sounding like a sycophant or a jerk. These are also terrible pick up lines, now that I read over it.

"So I notice you look across the room at me with a look of contempt. Is your face just like that or did I do something wrong?"

"Do you really hate me? Can I prove to you that I don't eat babies in my spare time?"

"Hi, can I try to get to know you so I can determine at a later date when we are friends if you hated me the first time you saw me?"

Being a people is hard. Also cracking open hazelnuts is hard. I cracked one open and then the shell flew across the room. Java says I am going to kill someone one day with a stray shell.

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Death by hazelnut. I can think of worse ways to die. At least it is a tasty nut, haha.

I think they're inherently evil nuts, so we can't be blamed for its behaviour--just look at Nutella and the things it makes people do! One of my former coworkers told me about a roommate he had once. He came back from work one day to discover his roommate was sitting on the couch, eating from the Nutella jar with a knife. Simultaneously the saddest and coolest thing in the world.

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It's my natural instinct to strip when I get home too.. Work clothes, while stylish and comfy (mine are anyway..) are just not right for sitting around the house.

I do usually put something else on though. Shorts and a Tshirt, or just a really really big Tshirt that a friend gave me because they were too tight on him and he didn't want to "hulk" out of them.

I'm not big on pajamas or nightgowns... Clothes just for sleeping? Where's that get fun? (I will wear them if we have other company, which isn't that often when sleeping.)

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Oh my goodness. Remember this post?

Well I was actually referencing to two girls who I don't know who are staying at our house this week. One's a year older than me and the other is a year younger.


Turns out the older one is throwing up blood and is having kidney problems right now. I'm really not sure what's going on, but she's at the hospital right now. :[

I've looked online and it's either kidney stones or kidney failure. I hope it's not the later. They were going to leave tomorrow in the morning, but I'm not sure that's going to be possible now.

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Well, I hope things turn out okay for her! Just seems like the time of year has come when unfortunate things just start happening. My roommate has a leak somewhere in his car that's causing gasoline to fall out of his vehicle. He can't get it to the shop until Monday, so hopefully things don't get too chaotic for him. His car has had issues in the past.

I have pyjama type clothes, but I'll go out in them if I'm not doing anything important and I'm not looking too crazy. It's mostly basketball shorts and tank tops, but I have a few pieces like a couple nightgowns, some shorter shorts and PJ pants, and a sleep shirt (basically a really long shirt that goes down to about mid-thigh). I don't wear the nightgowns so much with the roommate around since they're a little short on me and I like to laze about in my jammies for at least six hours on the weekend before finally showering.

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I'll totally teach my kids how to count and do basic arithmetic in binary so that when they go to school they'll be able to add large numbers up on their hands like a boss. Most likely, the idea of binary will just confuse them though so my dream will likely never come to pass ^^.

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