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Random Talk.

Talena Mae

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Well, you do encounter more women who say, "Oh no, I never masturbate" than dudes. Maybe because women tend to be taught that sexuality is a disgusting and shameful thing, that we have to save ourselves for marriage otherwise you're a slut, bluh bluh.


But probably that they're more secretive and prefer to do it up big (like, "I'm gonna treat myself right tonight, hmhmhm") than try to furiously rub one out real quick, haha.


The people in the apartment building across from us have these red lights in two of their windows. It's bugging me out, man. What is that? A robot watching me? Someone trying to snipe me? WHO DO YOU WORK FOR??? WHERE'S THE TRIGGER???

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But I agreed with you first! So I'm sexist too. We're all sexist!!! But don't worry. Our views aren't our own. They're given to us by society. It's not your fault you're sexist! It's never your fault! It's always society's fault!!! ALWAYS!!!

Have I used enough exclamation points in the past few posts to convince you I'm being sarcastic yet?

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Personal responsibility is always a factor, but we don't exist in a vacuum either. Well, at least most of us anyway. I suspect my cats have a very limited and closed view of the world. (Plus, they are barely two years old.) Pet birds too. What do they know?

I'm a little prejudiced because a friend of mine had some demon bird that just pooped everywhere and always tried to bite me. I think its sole purpose in life was to ruin my day.

And then another time I was bit by a hamster??? Small animals hate me.

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But I agreed with you first! So I'm sexist too. We're all sexist!!! But don't worry. Our views aren't our own. They're given to us by society. It's not your fault you're sexist! It's never your fault! It's always society's fault!!! ALWAYS!!!

Have I used enough exclamation points in the past few posts to convince you I'm being sarcastic yet?


You've convinced us you're acting like an ass, does that count?

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It is for the betterment of our community! Group hugs mandatory every Tuesday. Friday is casual Friday, so I guess you can be naked, but then hugs aren't mandatory on that day, haha.


Every Saturday we throw paper airplanes at each other. No one has lost an eye yet, but the moment someone does, we're all gonna wear an eyepatch so no one feels left out.

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All of the cookies. There's a monstrosity I make that looks like this. It's just a bunch of different cookie dough layers (sugar, double chocolate chip, peanut butter chocolate chip) that I then cut up into bars. Need to drink like a gallon of milk to eat it, haha. It was my most complicated endeavor until I made the mousse bombe (no pics of my own, I made it for Christmas and it was kind of ugly but also delicious).

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Don't go! It's a tarp! A wonderfully beautiful tarp! And if you go you won't get to buy it! Someone else will!

People get riled over the strangest things sometimes .-.

Like that time when all I did was chat like this and five minutes later got banhammered with the message "you chat too much." ._.

Not what the message actually said. In fact I didn't get a message. I think the channel actually went down... but I like to think of it as a ban ^^.

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