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Need Donations!


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Our vBulletin membership license has expired.

I have the lifetime license thus we can continue to use vBulletin forever. However since the yearly membership license expired we can no longer get access to updates.

We haven't been able to upgrade for almost a year now, and I do not have any more extra cash to spare for the license. There has been many releases and security fixes and we currently run 3.7.0 and vBulletin has just recently released 3.8.0 which signals a big increase in changes and upgrades (about 8 releases since we last was able to upgrade).

So I ask all of you who can spare a little change, we need to raise $60 to purchase the members area to gain updates.

$0 of $60 raised currently.

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LOL, good luck.

You say that like you don't believe people will donate... O.o

On my site English Dub Kingdom, the visitors have been donating on average $60 a month every month since November, so we could continue to pay for the hosting.

I don't see any reason why people here couldn't/wouldn't help just a little. I don't tell people to help, I only ask that if you want to, and if you can spare a little, you can donate to help out. Because running sites is very costly. Visitors don't click the advertisements enough for them to pay for the site, so donations are the only other alternative.

If we can't afford to upgrade the forum, we may have to shut it down, because without the latest updates, crackers will eventually exploit a release and find a hole to crack into a forum.. which is why there are always security updates, etc.. which at the moment we cannot obtain. :( We have been cracked, hacked, and ddosed, multiple times in the past. I'd like to try to prevent that from happening anymore.

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I'll help you you Koby. How much do you need now? Still $60?

Yep no one on the forum has donated yet.

I will purchase the license once we obtain enough cash to do so and after they release vB v4 which is estimated to be out around the end of May, I think...

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Ok, I'll donate when I get paid next week but not sure how much. I just had to spend $75 on a book for school cuz my teacher prefers it over the one the school wanted to sell to us. That was unexpected and was after I spent $50 on Seasons 3 and 4 of Yu-Yu-Hakusho.

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