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Who welcomes n00bs here?

Fantasia Serenity

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Hi there!

Name's Fantasia Serenity, and obviously, I'm a newb. I came across the forums when googling Final Fantasy layouts, which led me to forgottenmem.net... It looks pretty neat, props to the person who designed this place. Nice to meet you all, and I hope to be invited back to stick around. =)

The website was designed by me, but the forum is a skin we bought from another site thanks to SasukeX generous donation to the site.

I'm glad you like them, and hope you found a nice free layout you want to use! ^_^

Enjoy your stay, and welcome to the forum. I hope you would stick around. xD

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The website was designed by me, but the forum is a skin we bought from another site thanks to SasukeX generous donation to the site.

That's me, ME, I'm donator yay. lol I didn't have any choice though. xD You might find this funny but I won it in a contest and didn't have where to transfer them (I don't have Credit Card). So I gave them to Koby (which needed lots of weeks to get my mail o.O!!! The guy that would transfer the money got annoyed by me saying wait all the time).

Anyway, welcome.

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