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Thought i should finally post and introduce myself a little - since i joined a few days ago and have jumped in posting my random opinions around the place :) Sooo, about me...lets see....aside from being a anime/manga/game fan... I do Iaido (Japanese martial arts with sword/weapons) - I run around in a gi and hakama with a Katana,Jo or Bokken - it's heaps of fun! When i have time i also do Jujutsu :)

Best band ever (and best live show ever) is MUSE :)

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Welcome! I 100% completely agree with you, Muse is the best band ever. Not many bands sound half as good as they do live. Speeking of live I went to one of their concerts last August, it was the best I've ever been too and I doubt any will top it unless I go to see them again :P haha :)

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haha, it is...They didn't play Bliss at the concert I went too unfortunately, I was hoping they would play that and sunburn the two songs im learning on piano by them but oh well. Its fine though all their songs are great, especially starlight, the crowd really got into that song :)

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I used to do Bak Fu Do (Fung Fu) but dropped that when i started working full time just got too much of a hassle getting to class...I got into Iaido when I started looking at buying a replica Katana (may be influence by a few too many samurai movies and the shinsengumi tv series but hey swords are cool!)....then I thought hey why buy a useless replica when I can get a real one and learn how to use it :)

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