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Recent Downtime...


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I apologize for the recent downtime today. I wasn't expecting it because my host didn't notify me like they should have. I noticed it was down and contacted them but didn't get a reply, so I called them on the phone and tech support said they were switching us to another server again.

Anyhow, the forum and all other sites are back up and running alright.

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Honestly, you get such worst service...

people not notifing you, people not responding to your emails/letters...

Really, if I were you, I'd ask my money back... they can NOT treat their customers like that...

Write a letter, better yet, make a call... keep writing them, keep calling them...

Just a tought tough

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Well in all honesty my sites are really active with all of them together totaling well over 9,000 unique visitors each day with over 200,000 total pageviews. Therefore really I should be on a dedicated server and not on a shared hosting package. So I can kind of see why I've had so much trouble keeping the site up. But yes this host has been pretty bad either way, and I would change, but there is so much to download and then reupload that with my current internet connection it'd be almost impossible. So for now I really have no choice but to put up with it. :(

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