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So I've been playing around with Stylish lately, and thought I'd ask if people here wanted to start a kind of repository for member made User Styles. To anyone who doesn't know, Stylish is a browser extension that allows you to customize the look of websites. There is a version for both Firefox and Chromium.
I also want to say that my CSS skills are badly outdated, so the one I've been working on has tons of bugs.
Edit: 6/28/14 updated script
The Code for my User Style below is set to work in chromium firefox. The Chromium version still has a few bugs left to sort out, but you can use this with chromium if you comment out/delete the @-moz-document - { in the first line and the last } at the very bottom.

@-moz-document url-prefix("http://forums.kametsu.com/") {/* All the general stuff */   html ,body    { background-image : none    !important; background-color : #194775 !important; border-color     : #3D74AB !important  ; color            : #b1b1b1 !important     } body *{ background-color   : transparent !important; border-color       : #3D74AB     !important; border-radius      : 0px !important   ; color              : inherit     !important; text-shadow        : none        !important; -webkit-box-shadow : none        !important; box-shadow         : none        !important    ; font-size          : 14px        !important; font-family : terminus !important} /*Removes unwanted border images*/   .border-right ,.clearfix{ background-image : none    !important; border-color     : #3D74AB !important    ; background-color : #194775 !important}.border-left{ background-image : none    !important; border-color     : #3D74AB !important    ; background-color : #194775 !important; padding-left     : 8px    !important} div.coolbar ,div.coolbar2 ,div.catend{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #194775 !important; height           : 0px     !important}#userbar_nav_wrap ,#userbar_nav{ text-transform : none !important; height : 30px !important    }#userbar_nav #user_navigation{ background-image : none    !important; border : none !important; margin : 0px 0px 0px -5px !important; height : 30px !important    }  #userbar_nav #search ,#search-box fieldset ,#search_wrap{ background-image : none    !important; border : none !important; margin : 1px 0px 0px -5px !important; height : 22px !important    }#user_navigation .user_photo{ height : 28px !important; margin : 0px -12px 0px -12px !important}#user_navigation a{ background-color : #3D74AB !important; border-color : #194775 !important; line-height: 28px !important   ; height: 28px !important; position: bottom !important; font-size  : 12px !important  } #user_navigation a:hover{ background-color : #C85A00 !important; border-color : #194775 !important; line-height: 28px !important; height: 28px !important; position: bottom !important    ; color   : #cecece !important  ; font-size   : 12px  !important      }p.ipsPad_half.ipsType_smaller.right{ font-size   : 10px  !important      }#community_app_menu li.active a{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important; color            : #cecece !important    }a#adv_search.right{ background-color : #194775 !important; color            : #cecece !important; height : 22px !important; margin : 1px 0px 0px -1px !important  }a:hover#adv_search.right{ background-color : #C85A00 !important; color            : #cecece !important; height : 22px !important; margin : 1px 0px 0px -1px !important  }input.submit_input.clickable{ background-color : #173F66 !important; height : 22px !important    } input:hover.submit_input.clickable  { background-color : #C85A00 !important  ; height : 22px !important  }span#search_wrap{ background-color : #173F66 !important; height : 22px !important    }span#search_options{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #268BD2 !important; color            : #cecece !important; font-size       : 10px     !important; line-height  : 16px !important; margin : 2px 0px 0px 0px !important    ; height : 16px !important    }input#main_search{ margin : 0px 0px 0px 0px !important}#community_app_menu li a{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #194775 !important; color            : #b1b1b1 !important}#community_app_menu li a:hover{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important; color            : #cecece !important}div#secondary_navigation ol#breadcrumb li a{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #194775 !important; color            : #cecece !important  }div#secondary_navigation li span{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #194775 !important; border-right-color : #194775 !important     ; color            : #6BB3D5 !important    }div#secondary_navigation li span:hover{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important; border-right-color : #194775 !important     ; color            : #cecece !important    }#user_utility_links li a ,div.general_box h3{ background-color : #3D74AB !important; color            : #b1b1b1 !important}#user_utility_links li a:hover{ background-color : #C85A00 !important; color            : #cecece !important}*[id*="tooltip"] ,*[class*="tooltip"]{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important; border : none !important   ; padding : 0px 0px 0px 0px !important      }.status_update .input_submit{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #268BD2 !important; color            : #cecece !important}/*Login Popup*/.popupWrapper{ background-color : #13365A !important; border-color     : #13365A !important     ; padding          : 1px !important    }.popupClose{ right  : 8px !important; top  : 8px !important}.popupInner h3{ background-color : #13365A !important; border-color     : #13365A !important; border           : 2px !important  ; font-weight      : bold    !important     }form#login{ background-color : #194775 !important    } .ipsBox_notice ,.sb_login_row ,.sb_login .ipsForm_submit{ background-color : #194775 !important; border-color     : #13365A !important    }#login .clearfix{ border     : none !important}form#login input[type="text"] ,form#login input[type="password"]{ background-color : #173F66 !important; border-color     : #173F66 !important   } form#login li a ,form#login input[type="submit"]{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important} form#login li a:hover ,form#login input:hover[type="submit"]{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important; color            : #cecece !important    }/* User main menu*/h4.ipsType_sectiontitle    { background-color : #3D74AB !important    }    #user_link_menucontent ,#user_inbox_link_menucontent  ,      #user_notifications_link_menucontent ,#user_inbox_link_menucontent ul li.ipsType_small.clearfix ,#user_notifications_link_menucontent ul li.ipsType_small.clearfix     { background-color : #173F66 !important    }    #statusUpdateGlobal    { background-image : none    !important; background-color : #194775 !important; border-color     : #194775 !important    }    #statusSubmitGlobal{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important; color            : #6BB3D5 !important}    #statusSubmitGlobal:hover{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important; color            : #cecece !important}/* Edit and quoted by boxes */p.edit{ background-color : #3D74AB !important; border-color : #3D74AB !important; border-width : 3px !important     ; color : #cecece !important}p.citation{ background-color : #1C4268 !important; border-color : #1C4268 !important     ; color : #cecece !important}/* Quote content */blockquote{ background-color : #235180 !important; border-color : #1C4268 !important; border-width : 2px !important    ; color            : #b1b1b1 !important}/* Thread tags  */a.ipsTag span{ color            : #b1b1b1 !important}/* Thread tags(hover) */a.ipsTag span:hover{ color            : #cecece !important}.ipsSideBlock h3{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important    ; border-color     : #3D74AB !important; color            : #6BB3D5 !important; margin : -10px -10px 11px -10px !important}/* View all status updates button */div.status_main_content a:link{ background-color : #3D74AB !important; color            : #6BB3D5 !important}/* View all status updates button(hover) */div.status_main_content a:hover{ background-color : #3D74AB !important; color            : #cecece !important}.__submit.input_submit{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important; color            : #b1b1b1 !important}.__submit.input_submit:hover{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important; color            : #cecece !important}    a.ipsButton_secondary{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important; color            : #cecece !important}span.cke_button{ background-color : #3D74AB !important}span:hover.cke_button ,span:active.cke_button ,span:hover.cke_button a,span:active.cke_button a{ background-color : #268BD2 !important}span.ipsBadge.ipsBadge_green ,span.ipsBadge.ipsBadge_grey ,span.ipsBadge.ipsBadge_orange ,span.ipsBadge.ipsBadge_lightgrey{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #6BB3D5 !important; color            : #003058 !important; font-size  : 10px !important      }li.tab_toggle.active{ background-color : #3D74AB !important; color : #cecece !important    }div.reputation.positive ,div.reputation.negative ,div.reputation.zero{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #268BD2 !important; color : #b1b1b1 !important}div.side a.ipsButton_secondary ,div.ipsPad a.ipsButton_secondary.ipsType_smaller{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #268BD2 !important; max-width : 80px !important; color : #b1b1b1 !important}div.side a:hover.ipsButton_secondary ,div.ipsPad a:hover.ipsButton_secondary.ipsType_smaller{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important; max-width : 80px !important; color : #cecece !important}p.message{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #235180 !important; border-color     : #235180 !important     ; color  : #cecece  !important}.user_controls li a{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #6BB3D5 !important} .user_controls li a:hover{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important}div#usercp_tabs li.active{ background-color : #3D74AB !important; color : #cecece !important    }div.message.unspecific{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #194775 !important  ; color            : #B1B1B1 !important}tbody ,tr td{ background-color : #194775 !important; color            : #b1b1b1 !important}a:link ,a:visited{ background-color : inherit !important; border-color     : inherit !important    ; color            : #6BB3D5 !important} a:focus ,a:hover{ background-color : inherit !important; border-color     : inherit !important; color            : #B1B1B1 !important}/* Table Content and General Links */h3.maintitle ,div#more_topics{ background-image : none !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important; border-color     : #3D74AB !important; font-weight      : bold    !important     } tr.header ,td{ background-image : none !important; border-color     : #3D74AB !important} a:link ,a:visited{ background-color : inherit !important; border-color     : inherit !important    ; color            : #6BB3D5 !important} a:focus ,a:hover{ background-color : inherit !important; border-color     : inherit !important; color            : #B1B1B1 !important}h1 ,h2 ,h4{ background-image : none    !important}h4.statistics_head ,h4.statistics_head li ,div.maintitle{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important    ; border-color     : #3D74AB !important; color            : #6BB3D5 !important    }li.top a ,li.report a ,li.multiquote a ,li a._ips_trigger_quote ,li.clear a ,li.clear span.value ,a.ipsLikeButton.ipsLikeButton_enabled ,li.post_edit ,ul.mini_pagination li a ,input.bbc_spoiler_show{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important    ; border-color     : #3D74AB !important; color            : #6BB3D5 !important     }li.top a:hover ,li.report a:hover ,li.multiquote a:hover ,li a:hover._ips_trigger_quote ,li.clear a:hover ,a:hover.ipsLikeButton.ipsLikeButton_enabled ,li:hover.post_edit ,ul.mini_pagination li a:hover ,input:hover.bbc_spoiler_show{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important    ; border-color     : #C85A00 !important; color : #cecece !important}p.submit ,    div.maintitle ul.ipsType_small li{ background-color : #3D74AB !important    ; border-color     : #3D74AB !important}ul.mini_pagination li a:hover{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important}#status_wrapper_inside li ,.ipsList_withminiphoto li{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #194775 !important    ; border-color     : #3D74AB !important}    li.disabled ,li.first a ,li.prev a ,li.page a ,li.next a ,li.last a ,.topic_buttons li a{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important; color            : #6BB3D5 !important}   li:hover.disabled ,li.page.active ,li:hover.first a ,li:hover.prev a ,li:hover.page a ,li:hover.next a ,li:hover.last a ,.topic_buttons li a:hover{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important; color            : #cecece !important}.ipbmenu_content{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important    ; border-color     : #194775 !important}select#topic_filter ,select#sort_by ,select#direction ,select#time_frame ,{ background-color : #194775 !important; color            : #cecece !important}    /* VCard popup */.vcard.userpopup h3{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #13365A !important    }.vcard{ background-color : #194775 !important; border : #13365A !important}.vcard.userpopup h3 a.info dt{ color            : #6BB3D5 !important}/* Poll progress bars*/.progress_bar{ background-color : #3D74AB !important    }.progress_bar span{ background-color : #6BB3D5 !important    }        /* New messages & notification */    span.total.rounded ,#submit_post ,  input.input_submit ,   #add_folder  a ,#edit_folders a ,.input_submit.alt ,#ack_pm_notification ,   #message_search form fieldset .input_submit    { background-image : none    !important; background-color : #3D74AB !important    }#submit_post:hover ,input.input_submit:hover ,    #add_folder a:hover ,#edit_folders a:hover ,.input_submit.alt:hover ,#ack_pm_notification:hover ,    #message_search form fieldset .input_submit:hover{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #C85A00 !important    }    #pm_multifile ,    #conversation_filter ,    #message_search form fieldset .input_text{ background-image : none    !important; background-color : #13365A !important; border-color : #13365A !important}   /* Text Editor*/.cke_top ,.cke_wrapper.cke_ltr ,.cke_browser_gecko ,.ipsField_editor ,.cke_contents ,td.cke_bottom    { background-image : none    !important; background-color : #13365A !important; border-color : #13365A !important}    .cke_contents iframe   { background-color : #194775 !important    ; border-color     : #3D74AB !important}h3.bar{ background-color : #3D74AB !important    }    .cke_button{ background-color : #13365A !important    }     .cke_button:hover{ background-color : #C85A00 !important    }    /*Group Colors- changes the name of user color for staff and anyone else you want*/ /*special class - helps to easily locate yourself or freinds*//*admins*/a:link[hovercard-id="1"] span  ,a:link[hovercard-id="40"] span   ,a:link[hovercard-id="1291"] span ,a:link[hovercard-id="10885"] span,a:link[hovercard-id="21690"] span,a:link[hovercard-id="19739"] span{ color : #D14149 !important; font-weight: bold !important    } /*super mods*/a:link[hovercard-id="696"] span    ,a:link[hovercard-id="5025"] span   ,a:link[hovercard-id="2039"] span{ color : #E075AA !important; font-weight: bold !important    } /*graphics team*/a:link[hovercard-id="19135"] span ,a:link[hovercard-id="170"] span  { color : #0871D6 !important; font-weight: bold !important} /*uploaders*/a:link[hovercard-id="19908"] span ,a:link[hovercard-id="19241"] span ,a:link[hovercard-id="8294"] span ,a:link[hovercard-id="8759"] span ,a:link[hovercard-id="18358"] span,a:link[hovercard-id="34386"] span,a:link[hovercard-id="33283"] span,a:link[hovercard-id="33351"] span{ color : #999966 !important; font-weight: bold !important     }}


Edited by L4ugh
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  • 2 weeks later...

I still haven't finished this user style yet, but I'm going to put up a link to what I have so far. The only known issue at this time is the text editor. It should work on any chromium based browser that has stylish installed. I haven't gotten around to checking Firefox yet. Another issue people may run in to is user name colors. I couldn't find a way to map the styles to a general group so they have to be done manually. This unfortunately means that the names will only show their style when you are logged in. I'll add the link to the first post once I have it uploaded.  

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  • 4 months later...

I updated the Style above to the newer colors I'm using. I'm sure it still has some bugs hidden in there somewhere, but it should be usable. It should also now work on firefox, but the script above needs editing, details above.


Edit: the style above is set to use the font Comfortaa which can be found here.

Edited by L4ugh
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What is this user style you speak of!


Sorry about that, I deleted the pictures I had up before because it showed the older colors. I added a new one that should give an idea of what I'm talking about.


Again, my css knowledge is very outdated, so any advice to make it better would be appreciated.

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I dont know how exactly you were able to read the site with every is Blue including the font is blue.


To be honest, I don't have any problem at all reading the site. I actually find the varying shades of blue to be easier on my eyes. I'd like to remove all instances of white from my computer if could, text included.


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My "Edited Dialog" for the Brave Skin


Get rid of the ugly orange basically if you edit your post




@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document domain("forums.kametsu.com") {

    .edit {

    background: url("http://forums.kametsu.com/public/style_images/brave/comment_edit.png") no-repeat scroll 6px 10px #222222;

    border: 1px solid #222222;

    color: #777777;

    font-size: 11px;

    line-height: 18px;

    margin-top: 15px;

    padding: 8px 8px 8px 28px;

    text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #111111;



Edited by Jªvª
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  • 4 months later...

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