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I was going to post this around Balamb Café, but I seriously don't want people to take this as a joke, since it is not.

It's rather sad that these days people still decide to have pets. It's a well common fact, known by basically everyone, that the number of abandonment of pets increases 'round summer hollidays.

Let's face it, nobody wants to take their pets with them, how bothersome! And nobody wants to PAY to get them taken care of, either. It'd be money wasted, that could be used for something else doing the vacations. And it's always easier to get rid of the pets while the kids are out.

I just have one little sentence for all you people out there that still think this is rational behavior. "FUCK - YOU"

I myself have owned dogs for as long as I remember, and I will continue to do so for as long as I live.

Around these'ere parts, there isn't a single day that you walk outside, and not see 10+ dogs and cats, abandoned out in the street. People complain of this, saying that it's not healthy for a city to be infested with animals out in the street, and can be dangerous, given the very nature of the animals.

Here's a bitchslap of truth to their faces:

1 - If you don't think it's healthy, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. If you're so concerned for your health, than help your community establish a place where unwanted animals can be kept safely, a big, friendly place for them to live happily without going through the risk of being killed in a drive-by, or runover, or worse. There are more than enough people willing to work in these communities, and I'd go even further, saying that most of these people would work for free.

2 - One of the main reasons why people abandon pets is also because they become agressive and/or have harmed any of the family members, usually including children. See, animals ARE born with their natural instinct, but that is easily restrained if the animals are well taken care of to begin with. And you say:

"Well, I got my pet way after he was born, so I had no idea."

And I answer.

"Well, you're an ass. If you picked the animal at an animal shelter, you HAD to know if it was agressive or not. Only speciallised tamers and owners are qualified to take care of these particular cases, and if you can't handle it, you can't handle it, period."

I will share a story with you:

It was a rainy day. I was walking home from school when I saw someone croutching over on the corner between two buildings. I thought something was wrong, so I had to check it out.

This middle-aged woman rose upwards and looked at me. As I looked down I noticed three small pupies in a cardboard box, I'd say about two weeks old. I looked over to the lady, she smiled back at me and croutched over to them again. I asked her why she was doing it, and she looked back at me and smiled. She said that she was just covering up the puppies until the rain stops.

The raindrops, falling diagonally, hit the little puppies directly. I supposed she couldn't keep them, nor take them home. The puppies were too young to make it alone out in the street. But there she was, out in the cold just to try and save the puppies' lives just a little longer. A couple walked by and saw the scene. They were simply stunned by the cuteness of the puppies that they asked the lady if they could keep them. Hesitating, I asked them if they were sure about truly wanting to keep them. They answered back to me decisively. They pointed out to where they house was and told me that I could go and visit the three puppies anytime I'd like, seen as they had a backyard.

Nowadays, the three puppies are grown up, and very happy, as it seems. I still visit them everytime I walk by. I seem to have become a friend of the couple's as well.

What I'm trying to get to is, people all around the world would definately give most of their spare time to help these little friends, because they have agnoledged that they are living beings, and most honestly, sometimes deserve life more than some of us humans.

I am very....lacking in the monetary department. One of my dreams is to establish a safe, well maintained animal shelter. For any kind of animal.

I still hold onto that dream since from a very young age, and I just know that someday, it'll be done. But until I can't, this is something I decided to do.

I bet many already had this idea, but I can never stress the importance of the issue at hand enough. So from now on, here is a banner.


This banner's called Friend. Anyone who wishes to join this campaign, and agrees with my point of view, feel free to use it, not only here, but in any other forum you atend to.

Also, feel free to pass on the word and history to the Friend Project to all other forums you atend to, if you wish, and pass on the Friend banner for anyone to use as well. From person to person, I just bet that someday, that banner's gonna be known, and maybe, JUST maybe, it'll do a little something about the whole issue.

Yes, I dream too highly. But then again, ain't that what life's all 'bout?


PS - Only add credit to the banner if you truly wish to. I seriously don't need it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ya, I just saw this. I have had pets almost my entire life. In fact, I have had at least a cat or a dog in my entire life since I was born. And usually they do it because they aren't able to be responsible, or think all pets are perfect do what I tell you and if not your out sort of thing. People where I live tend to abandon snakes and other critters as well, which is bad in many its own ways.

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used to have cats when i was younger. my stepmum has rabbits. i dont really take responsibility for them as such. they tend to run about the house as they please anyway so they dont take much looking after from me but i'd never see the little bastards left alone in the streets.

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