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Hi there I'm new to this place :3 I'm meg and I must say your site layout is unique and lovely especially the christmas anime banners. :D

Also I got a question how come you gotta wait til activation or so to access some places on here if your new?

Well glad you find the layout unique considering how much time I put into designing it all by myself. ^.^ As for the banners well they are made by members of the forum during the monthly banner competition but seeing how it was Christmas we had banners put up for the Holiday for everyone to enjoy.

The main reason for the post requirement was the problem that this is a 'community' forum where discussion is a big part of the forums and well lots of people were simply registering to get to the downloads and we never heard from any of them. So this was put into effect to try and get those people to at least post a little bit before we they just grab all the hard work everyone had done for nothing. It really isn't too much to ask is it?

Welcome to Kametsu!

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