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Trails to Azure


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3 hours ago, Zemekis said:

Do you only like games when they're Easy?

No; I'm just prone to expressing frustration in ways that would make people think "Oh so what you're saying is this?!?" and such.  It's like Homer, from The Simpsons: Road Rage, when time runs out and he says "This videogame su-ucks!"; I could say the same thing about Elden Ring and Dark Souls.  But, like you said, it's when you complete that fight that you experience quite a sense of accomplishment.  Hell, when I landed the final blow on her, I was like "Oh-ho-ho!  Oh my God!" but stopped before I let the excitement take over. 😅


If I was a normie, I'd puss out after getting my ass handed to.  I said I wasn't going anywhere until I kicked her ass, and I was going to stick to it, even if it took forever.  But, now it's over; I defeated her, and I've got that sense of pride & accomplishment, in more ways than one, as my party is now at Lv.99.  My last boss fight last night, which was with the Aion Type-α, felt like a walk in the park.....though, those "Political Missiles" were fucking annoying, because they debuffed my party.  Fuckin' politics.


3 hours ago, Zemekis said:

Did you notice anything about her Stahlritter?

The third one had a portrait in her text-box.  She looked familiar....like, I saw her earlier in the game.  I might have to check my gallery on my HDD and make comparisons. 🤔

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35 minutes ago, Dave55811 said:

The third one had a portrait in her text-box.  She looked familiar....like, I saw her earlier in the game.  I might have to check my gallery on my HDD and make comparisons. 🤔

That's right, you did meet her earlier. Duvalie the Swift.


Or better yet:



She's pretty cool. Or funny, at least. Keep her in mind for later! She's a bit of a unique case, because originally she was in the game, but I think she was un-named. She appears later in the series and was named then. They retroactively fleshed her out for the more recent re-releases.

No battles feel tough after Arianrhod, lol. Maybe the final boss.

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33 minutes ago, Zemekis said:

Or better yet:

  Reveal hidden contents





I don't remember seeing her in this game nor the previous one(s), though.  Perhaps I'll see her in the Cold Steel games?  Other than that.....I guess she's funny, too; she's supposed to be the best of the best of the Stahlritter, yet judging by how she came off, I'm questioning how she even got to be part of the Stahlritter to begin with.  No matter, really; I'm just a little too captious for my own good sometimes.


43 minutes ago, Zemekis said:

No battles feel tough after Arianrhod, lol. Maybe the final boss.

Well, the final boss being tough is a given; after four Kiseki games, I think I'd know by now that the final boss battle is going to be an ass-kicker.  I can't imagine it being as tough as the fight with Arianrhod; I'm anticipating that the final boss fight in this game will be along the lines of Trails SC.  Do keep in mind that I say this without knowing better, though; I won't know until I get there.  In fact, what I'd call "an ass-kicker" is a fight where I get defeated at least once.  This was the case with Trails FC (the final fight with Colonel Richard, at least), and Weissmann's "angelic" form in Trails SC.  Honestly, if we're using definitions, I'd say Arianrhod was "a rapist".....though, worth mentioning is that I only got defeated twice.  I guess the third time is the charm?

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On 8/2/2024 at 3:11 PM, Dave55811 said:

Well, the final boss being tough is a given; after four Kiseki games, I think I'd know by now that the final boss battle is going to be an ass-kicker.  I can't imagine it being as tough as the fight with Arianrhod; I'm anticipating that the final boss fight in this game will be along the lines of Trails SC.  Do keep in mind that I say this without knowing better, though; I won't know until I get there.  In fact, what I'd call "an ass-kicker" is a fight where I get defeated at least once.  This was the case with Trails FC (the final fight with Colonel Richard, at least), and Weissmann's "angelic" form in Trails SC.  Honestly, if we're using definitions, I'd say Arianrhod was "a rapist".....though, worth mentioning is that I only got defeated twice.  I guess the third time is the charm?

The Kiseki games have shown a penchant for giving their final bosses all sorts of tricky gimmicks that'll really put you to the test (not to mention awesome battle themes to boot to really give you that "this is it" feeling). Azure's no different, same with the Cold Steel games after as well.

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Ugh, my fucking God.  Today (2024/08/04) at 6:46PMCST, I finally defeated the Azure Demiourgos.  Here I was thinking that the Steel Maiden was nightmarish, but at least she didn't pull any unpredictable fast ones that involved inter-dimensional shit.  Of course, being well-supplied with foodstuffs is a good idea.  Mad props to Quattro-Pomodoro Pizza.  Good God almighty.  That's how I was able to achieve victory; just 2-3 servings of that good shit, each one after Lloyd's S-Break, taking out over 7,000 of the Demiourgos's HP.  Good God; be thankful that you none of you are around me right now because I'd just be ambulating and muttering on and on and on about how much of a struggle this was, and to finally kick that fucker's ass on my fourth attempt.


All this being said, I have yet to watch the ending.  I'll get to it in another hour, as I'm taking a break.


2 hours ago, Nekone said:

The Kiseki games have shown a penchant for giving their final bosses all sorts of tricky gimmicks that'll really put you to the test (not to mention awesome battle themes to boot to really give you that "this is it" feeling). Azure's no different, same with the Cold Steel games after as well.

I just pray to God (er, Aidios) that I never go through an experience like what I went through just now ever again. 😭

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2 hours ago, Dave55811 said:

Ugh, my fucking God.  Today (2024/08/04) at 6:46PMCST, I finally defeated the Azure Demiourgos.


I just pray to God (er, Aidios) that I never go through an experience like what I went through just now ever again. 😭

Told you, lol. Glad you got through it.

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16 hours ago, Nekone said:

Told you, lol. Glad you got through it.

I know, right?  While I still feel as though I got lucky, I realize that adapting can be helpful.  I get so used to my team wearing the same Quartzes that I realize that some of those Quartzes aren't necessary, depending on the circumstances, so I have to take notes so I remember what my loadouts were before switching them out.  Such a circumstance makes me wish the Kiseki games had an option to save presets of Orbment loadouts....but, until then, I've no problem with taking notes.

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On 8/5/2024 at 6:27 PM, Dave55811 said:

makes me wish the Kiseki games had an option to save presets of Orbment loadouts

I've found myself wishing for that often as well. Once in a while I'll get lazy and try to force through a boss fight without changing them because it's too much of a hassle to reconfigure everyone. I wouldn't mind if it was only once or twice, but Azure in particular has party members come and go a lot more than Zero did. Don't worry though, you haven't seen anything yet. I think (this isn't a spoiler because I don't know for sure) Cold Steel IV has something like 35 or 40 playable characters. I don't know if they're all fully-equipable, but I've heard tales of the cast size on forums for years. If anyone here is further along than me, please do not confirm. I need to see it for myself.

@Dave55811 Now that you're completed 5 games out of the series, which is your favorite? Any questions for us?

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4 hours ago, Zemekis said:

Once in a while I'll get lazy and try to force through a boss fight without changing them because it's too much of a hassle to reconfigure everyone.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like that every once in a while.  Though, I'd think that most veterans of the series would tell you (or me) to suck it up, or "git gud".  For better or for worse, being told to just make adjustments to Orbment loadouts holds weight, because, per my luck, it certainly makes a difference.  If you're worried about forgetting what your teammates had before the boss fight, just do like I do and take notes on the walkthrough you printed out.


But otherwise, if it were possible to swap out a set without having to individually put Quartzes back in or remove them, that would be convenient.  In fact, if it were possible to name your loadouts, that would be nice, like say if you wanted an Orbment loadout that buffs your EVA (Evasion) stat, and you could name it "EVA" or whatever......and if you wanted to save a preset of the general Orbment loadout you always use, you could name it accordingly.


4 hours ago, Zemekis said:

but Azure in particular has party members come and go a lot more than Zero did.

I've noticed that, too; the walkthrough does mention moments when you will need to remove a character's Quartzes and equipment, because they will be gone for a time.  I think there was a fuck-up somewhere and I didn't remove a character's loadout before he left, but the walkthrough didn't specify it.  Otherwise, I haven't had that much trouble in that regard.


4 hours ago, Zemekis said:

@Dave55811 Now that you're completed 5 games out of the series, which is your favorite? Any questions for us?

Tough question.  Of the five Kiseki games I've played, I haven't thought of a favorite.  I might exhibit a bias towards the Liberl Arc games.  But, the Crossbell Arc certainly expanded upon what was already established in the Liberl Arc.  For me to appreciate the Liberl Arc more would insinuate that there's something "OG" about that arc, as it was through that arc that I was introduced to Kiseki.  I also have an appreciation for the games' aesthetics, especially the soundtrack, as lots of it evoked moments of nostalgia, so perhaps the Liberl Arc is something "special" to me.  However, Trails from Zero & Trails to Azure added some new gameplay elements which were convenient, such as being able to attack enemies in the field, so as to stagger them, or if you were strong enough, to kill them and rake in some Sepith.


Despite me saying all this, I don't think I have a favorite.  Maybe, in terms of gameplay, the Crossbell Arc is best, but I have reason to suspect that gameplay mechanics improve in the next arc.....or is it Nayuta?  I think you said I should do that one next, before I start the Cold Steel series.  Whichever one, my point still stands that gameplay, as I speculate, will improve in the later entries.

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1 hour ago, Dave55811 said:

or is it Nayuta?  I think you said I should do that one next, before I start the Cold Steel series.

I didn't say that. I said I'll probably play it before Reverie...thus after Cold Steel, but you can really play it whenever you want due to it being an ambiguously-canon spinoff. Play it whenever you feel is right!

Shame about the rest of the answer though. They are all good which makes it hard to choose...and some of them are good for different reasons, so it's not apples to apples. Is there not a single one you preferred or would most like to revisit someday? Out of the 5 you've played, I would personally choose FC or SC. If I was reallllly pressured....FC. SC is almost a bit too grand at times. Zero & Azure are great games, but I didn't fall madly in love with the story being told or the cast quite as much as I did with the Liberl crew and the subsequent Erebonians.

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18 hours ago, Dave55811 said:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like that every once in a while.  Though, I'd think that most veterans of the series would tell you (or me) to suck it up, or "git gud."

In the Kiseki games, it isn't really about gitting gud in a Dark Souls sense, it's a lot more about strategy & LOTS of cheese-factor to the point of almost cheating. A lot of what makes one "gud" in these games is a willingness to dive into the Quartz menu more often than others and suffer through making tweaks even when you don't want to.


12 hours ago, Koby said:

Out of Sky 1-3 and Zero & Azure... I'd say Sky 3rd is my favorite followed by Azure.

Nothing wrong with that, I feel that the 3rd is sort of the Majora's Mask of the Kiseki series. I tend to like the odd game out pretty often (without knowing ahead of time it's going to be the black sheep). Whether that's Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy VIII, or DMC2. the 3rd isn't nearly as much of a series departure as what I mentioned, so I can see it being someone's favorite. It blows me away that some people would even consider skipping it. It's one of the single most crucial to the overall story.

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