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Why you should watch Utena and Perfect Blue

Brock Ali

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It took a long time for anyone to recommend these to me, and I think they deserved to be sooner, so I thought I'd spread some love for two of my favorites...




Faced with the death of social protest as a political force, director Ikuhara Kunihiko turned to television as a means to effect social change. But rather than brainwashing children with an ideology, he made a story about being trapped by and eventually freeing your mind from ideology—in this case, gender roles. It is drawn in a very distinctive, romantic art style to match the naïvité of the heroine and features both simple and sentimental music as well as dense "choral rock," a style invented for the show. Unless you're triggered by feminism or a narrative that cruelly mocks its characters, this may be the most satisfying show you ever watch.




My body was not ready for the way this film would play with my mind. Director Satoshi Kon was known for blurring the lines between reality and the imagined, a skill that was perfect for making this psychological horror. The protagonist playing a victim in a crime show suffers real trauma. The scenes in her acting job and her real life begin to mirror each other, and she is made to even doubt what she remembers doing the previous day. And we the audience are not objectively observing her, but are experiencing events from her perspective and suffer the same delusions at the hands of the cruel director, cutting from one scene to a scene that shouldn't be related but seems to be, and leaving out the information that could reassure us of our sanity.


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I never got around to watching "Revolutionary Girl Utena", purely due to fact that it quite old, however, I managed to see "Perfect Blue", and I agree. It is one if the best anime, best movie, best media I have seen. A great psychological horror/thriller.

Think, I'll try to give Revolutionary Girl Utena a shot too sometime in future!

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On 5/1/2019 at 1:16 PM, ani-me said:

never got around to watching "Revolutionary Girl Utena", purely due to fact that it quite old, however, I managed to see "Perfect Blue"

Well, Utena is only slightly older than Perfect Blue. In fact, I looked it up and the Movie was released only 3 Months after Utena finished its run. But I get what you mean - the character designs were out of date even then. It just looks really, really old.

But both are totally worth watching.

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3 hours ago, blubbso said:

Well, Utena is only slightly older than Perfect Blue. In fact, I looked it up and the Movie was released only 3 Months after Utena finished its run. But I get what you mean - the character designs were out of date even then. It just looks really, really old.

But both are totally worth watching.

^^^ That, and hence why I said 

On 5/1/2019 at 4:46 PM, ani-me said:

purely due to fact that it quite old, however, I managed to see "Perfect Blue"

because, even starting Perfect Blue was not easy..but being so highly rates, being a movie (shorter run time), and my love for psychological-horror, I managed to gather the courage to watch it..

and yes ofc, I'm glad I did

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