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The Economy


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Well I think the economy is in serious hurt right now, and i say peaceful ways of solving the problem aren't working. I feel the only way to straiten our economy out is to have a war. Before you reject my idea hear what i have to say. Wars bring about good things as well as bad. Yes, during wartime people dont see as much of their family members and people die. but its just the way it goes. that time spent away and that saccrifice bring about a greater good. During war Speed of discovering new technology is increased exponentially. If we didnt have the cold war we wouldn't be having this discussion on the internet right now. War brought this on indirectly. those new technologies would help give the US more options. You know how high unemployment is right now? War would fix that. All the able men and women would go to war. It would give everyone an oppurtunity at a job. All the unemployed would be in the service and all those jobs would need to be filled. Not only that, During wars we rely on ourselves more for things, thus stimulating the economy and thus bringing us out of the recession. Tell me what you think about my Idea!!!!

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Well I think the economy is in serious hurt right now, and i say peaceful ways of solving the problem aren't working. I feel the only way to straiten our economy out is to have a war. Before you reject my idea hear what i have to say. Wars bring about good things as well as bad. Yes, during wartime people dont see as much of their family members and people die. but its just the way it goes. that time spent away and that saccrifice bring about a greater good. During war Speed of discovering new technology is increased exponentially. If we didnt have the cold war we wouldn't be having this discussion on the internet right now. War brought this on indirectly. those new technologies would help give the US more options. You know how high unemployment is right now? War would fix that. All the able men and women would go to war. It would give everyone an oppurtunity at a job. All the unemployed would be in the service and all those jobs would need to be filled. Not only that, During wars we rely on ourselves more for things, thus stimulating the economy and thus bringing us out of the recession. Tell me what you think about my Idea!!!!

you can't put a price on someone's life... not to say that the result wouldn't be a good one (it might possibly) but sacrificing human lives to come to gain those means isn't the right way to go about things this is a code geass-like dilemma where suzaku wants to bring change from within and zero by force what im saying is sacrificing people for the greater good is well... not good diplomacy is always a better option. just my opinion tho... you're entitled to have your own as well...

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  • 1 year later...

hahahaha, this amuses me because I have a similar view, but my view means nothing because of my age and lack of knowledge. Quite honestly its sad, but if war breaks out, and the world loses however many it does of humanity, it might be better for it. We do not make up this world we just share it. To think other wise is someone truly lost in delusion. If we hadn't expanded as a race, if we hadn't built then maybe things wouldn't be so dire.

I, like everyone else fears loss more then death, but I can't mask that if their were less people in this world it'd be better, I can't sugar coat that.

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Well I think the economy is in serious hurt right now, and i say peaceful ways of solving the problem aren't working. I feel the only way to straiten our economy out is to have a war. Before you reject my idea hear what i have to say. Wars bring about good things as well as bad. Yes, during wartime people dont see as much of their family members and people die. but its just the way it goes. that time spent away and that saccrifice bring about a greater good. During war Speed of discovering new technology is increased exponentially. If we didnt have the cold war we wouldn't be having this discussion on the internet right now. War brought this on indirectly. those new technologies would help give the US more options. You know how high unemployment is right now? War would fix that. All the able men and women would go to war. It would give everyone an oppurtunity at a job. All the unemployed would be in the service and all those jobs would need to be filled. Not only that, During wars we rely on ourselves more for things, thus stimulating the economy and thus bringing us out of the recession. Tell me what you think about my Idea!!!!

This is honestly true. It would solve our economy, it would solve overpopulation. Honestly, a good world-wide war every generation would make the world a better place. Though it sounds crazy, it would actually assist in most parts of life. And after a couple more wars, people would accept the wars as reality and it wouldnt be as tragic or seen as a horrible thing

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  • 2 weeks later...

Guess how much money the US has spent during the war? By the end of 2008, the U.S. had spent approximately $900 billion in direct costs on the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. The is doesn't even factor in indirect costs like the 33,000 people injured and treated under the us dime, which is expected to exceed the direct cost.

Oh, and by the way, our military spending for this year: $1.030–$1.415 trillion dollars.

Now, can anyone tell me what a military produces?

So how did war get people out of the great depression if it is so bad? Well, it is simple, the government was not in debt up to their eyeballs for us, and for the Germans, they stopped paying reparations to the other nations... and those reparations were what put them into a depression in the first place.

Back in the 1930's people worked for a living, and welfare was unheard of. Getting handouts from the government would be like being slapped in the face, so no one would take it. WWII was a way for the government to spread money out amongst the people, and when people have money the economy does well. Those factories were like, government funded piles of money for people to take from.

Now, today, we have a government that is in debt... a lot of it. The government doesn't have the cash to spread, and people not willing to accept aid is certainly not the problem. The real issue is the fact that we have little to offer the world. No longer are we the cutting edge of production, and it is hard to name many products some other country cant produce cheaper. Our labor laws are fantastic, however it is hard for smaller companies to make a profit when the cost of labor is so high. We even tried to solve this with illegal labor, however that just fueled the unemployment problem.

Basically, there is no easy fix to this problem. One thing is for certain though, war is just making it worse.

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Why on earth would anyone believe that a war would provide jobs? That might be true for people willing to throw away their jobs for a war that doesnt have any real meaning other than to kill people, but I on the other hand am not going to be "forced" into the only "job" that a war would provide just because some people seem to think war is a typical thing and that it doesn't "need" a valid reason to happen.. This war started because of the airplane crashes into the towers... Osama is dead so there is no need for this "war" to continue. I think if the war ended all of the troops would need new jobs. There would be such a huge need of jobs even compared to now that our government(the us government) would need to get off of their lazy, wrinkly asses, and actually come up with ideas for better jobs than what they have been doing.. It would also help if bigger corporations stopped moving their factories to other countries to provide people that don't even live in the US with jobs, instead of leaving all of us without one! That would also make those other countries get off their seats and create more jobs for their country leaving the world with more jobs than what would ever happen if we always have war.

About what was said above with war bringing new technology.. I do not have any idea where that theory comes from but even if it were true the technology wouldnt be used for good use but instead would be used to fuel the war to kill even more people and force even more people to take the dead peoples places for the "job" of killing people.

This is not the first time I have heard someone trying to justify having a war with the term of, "population control" and I highly doubt it will be the last I hear it being said.. That being said, I do agree that we do need some sort of population control because we do not have the technology to make colonizing other planets or moons a cheap thing yet.. That does NOT mean that a war is how it should happen.. Most jobs bring people money, thus bringing the economy money and fueling other peoples jobs when the customers make purchases.. If there were more country wide jobs and less war, people would be making far more money than a war would ever make(as said above war costs more money than people are actually given.. which makes our country go deeper and deeper into debt). I believe this would be the best way to: #1. Provide jobs and people with that need money, money! #2. Provide population control by researching and advancing in our space technologies so that we can, "move people" instead of "kill people".

Colonization IS a realistic aproach for population control considering it is already happening with the really expensive space station(just google ISS or view this LINKIf you don't believe me). We just need to continue advancing in that area and continue producing things related to that area(this would create jobs for EVERYONE considering it would more than likely be many factory/ production related jobs that require little to no experience what so ever except maybe a little on sight job training or something and would also eventually create NON LETHAL population control). War will not help advance in this area, so if you believe war is the right direction to continue in than you are just as closed minded as most of our government members including our president and congress are.

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Don't listen to me more or less bother to elaborate on my ideas/theories. It isn't like they are realistic or feasible for the mind of, "I enjoy life as it is right now." kind of people. Also, I do know this is an internet forum and none of the world changing ideas/theories here would ever be considered by anyone that would possibly have the political power or wealth to set them in motion. Now that I've stated this, I shall end my rant.

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Not going to lie, but I find that the Economy has really gotten messed up. The easiest way to solve the problem, which no one would like mind you, would to raise taxes, cut spending everywhere. Chances of this happening though are zero or less.

Feel free to agree or disagree. I'm just throwing this out there.

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